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Raleigh N. C.
Dec. 5th 1865
Rupert Daniel Sr.
Reports facts in response to certain freedmen holding forcible possession of his property states that they refuse to work for him or enter into any contract for the coming year. He has paid them in full for work done this presnt year. 
States that he gave due notice to those who refuse to work to leave his premises but they refuse to go. Wishes to know what he is to do. He proposes to retain all of these who are helpless. 

Bu R.F. & A.L.
Raleigh Decr 6th 1865
Respectfully referred to Max Wickersham who will direct the able bodied freedmen on Mr. Ruperts place to make arrangements for earning their own support at once. If they cannot agree with Mr Russell they must find work elsewhere & take their families with them. If they refuse to work for wages and decline to leave the place before Decr 25 1865, the police of the county may be requested to arrest them and treat them as vagrants  
Signed E Whittlesey
Col & Asst. Commr. 

Bureau R.F. & A.L. 
Hd. Qrs. Southern Dist of N.C.
Wilmington N.C. Decr. 11/65
Respectfully referred to Lieut R.M. Drinker Asst. Supt. Sub. Dist. of Wilmington who will take such action in the within matter as the interests of the Bureau demand 
Attention is invited to Endorsement from Hd Qrs Asst Commr state of N.C.

Chas. J. Wickersham 
Bvt. Maj A.A.G
& Supt


Wilmington N.C.
Nov 16th 1865

McKee Jas. F. 
Applies for possession of his property now held by the Freedmans Bureau 

Washington D.C.
Nov 17th 1765

Respectfully referred to Maj Genl. O.O. Howard, Comm'r. 
By order of the President 
(signed) R. Morrow

War Department 
Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Washington. Nov. 17" 1865.

Respectfully referred to Col. E. Whittlesey Asst Comm'r Raleigh N.C. for report. 
By order of 
Maj. Genl. O.O. Howard
Commissioner &c
signed Wm Fowler
Asst. Adjt. Genl. 

Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. Nov 23" 1865

Respectfully referred to Brev't Maj Chas J Wickersham Supt. Southern Dist. for report of facts in this case
By command of 
Col Whittlesey
(signed) Fred H. Beecher 
Lt & A A A Genl


Transcription Notes:
changed "Chas. I." to "Chas. J." Wickersham