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[[2 Columned Table]]
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| Freedmans Bureau
Charleston S.C. Dec 14 1865

A S B Wall
Capt & Asst Supt

Requests information relating to the children of Mr. Newman |
Bureau R.F & A L.
Hd Qrs Sou Dist of N.C.
Wilmington N.C. Dec 19 1865

Respectfully returned to Lt. R. M Drinker Asst Supt &c

Chas. J. Wickersham
Bvt Maj Asst & Supt |

Fayetteville N.C
December 9" 1865

Maj. H C. Lawrence
Asst Supt. Bureau RF&AL

Reports a difficulty between a white man named Evans and a negro in Fayetteville N.C |

Bureau R F & A L
Hd Qrs Sou Dist of N.C.
Wilmington. N.C. Dec 20 1865

Respectfully returned. the within is a case which clearly comes under your jurisdiction. It is your duty to investigate the matter at once and if you consider that the punishment should be more severe than your order allow you to inflict. Make out charges and forward them to this office in order that the case be tried by a military commission. The mans high social position should not shield him from any punishment his crime merits. Your attention is invited [[?]] Par VII Circular No 5 War Department Bureau R F & A L please report action.

Chas. J. Wickersham 
Bvt Maj A A G
& Supt |


| Rockingham
Richmond Co. Decr 4" 1865

Cole Wm B.

Requests information as to the binding out of Minor Col'd Children formerly owned by him |

Bureau R. F & A. L.
Hd Qrs. Sou Dist of N. C.
Wilmington, NC Decr 26/65

Respectfully refered to Capt John H Bassler Asst. Supt Counties of Robeson & Richmond for such action as the interests of the Bureau demands.

Chas. J. Wickersham 
Bvt Maj A A G
& Supt |

| Wilmington N. C.
Decr 27" 1865

Requests for the arrest of D [[Harrall ? Hannall ?]] Lieut Brunswick County Police |

Hd Qrs Sub. Dist
Wilmington Decr 27" 1865

Respectfully forwarded to Major Wickersham Supt. South Dist. N. C.

Bureau R. F. & A. L
Hd Qrs. Southern Dist N. C.
Wilmington. Decr 28" 1865

Respectfully forwarded to Hd Qrs Military Dist of Wilmington with the request that Lt Harrell be arrested and the matter investigated.

Chas J. Wickersham 
Bvt Maj A A G
& Supt |