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| Wilmington, NC. Decr 30/65 W H Borden Requests transportation be furnished (freedwoman) Nancy Taylor to her home in Richmond, Va. | Bureau R.F & AL Southern Dist N.C Wilmington Decr 30" 1865 Respectfully forwarded to Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner State of N.C. See f 54 Chas. J. Wickersham Bvt Maj AAG & Supt |

| Wilmington, N.C,Decr 28" 1865John. McRaeRequests the aid of the Bureau in finding two colored children named William Thomas, & Balam Halsey aged eight or ten years and an non support to be in Washington, D.C. | Bureau RF & A.L
Hd Qrs. Southern Dist N.C. Wilmington, N.C Jany 2/66
Respectfully forwarded with the request that the officer in charge of the Bureau at Washington D.C. be requested to make inquiry regarding the within named children. Chas. J. Wickersham Bvt Maj AAG & Supt |


| War Department Bureau R.F and AL. Washington, D.C. Decr 22" 1865 Circular No. 22. Refering to the Report of Lt Genl dated Decr 18" 1865 | Bureau RF & AL. Hd Qrs. Southern Dist of N.C. Wilmington, N.C. Jany. 4" 1865
Respectfully refered to General Geo Crook Comdg Military Dist of Wilmington to know if so far as he is aware any of the evils complained of by Lieut Genl Grant in his recent report exist in his Dist in order that if they do they may be connected and if they do not that the officers of the Bureau may be relieved from injurious suspicions. See f. 58 Chas. J. Wickersham Bvt Maj AAG & Supt |

| Bureau R.F & A.L. Hd Qrs. Sub Dist Wilmington Wilmington, NC Jany 6" 1866 Lieut R. M. Drinker Applies for five days leave of absence | Bureau R.F & A.L.
Hd Qrs. Southern Dist of N.C Wilmington, N.C. Jany 6" 1866
Respectfully forwarded, and recommends that five days leave of absence be granted Chas. J. Wickersham Bvt Maj AAG & Supt Bureau R.F & AL. Hd Qrs. Sub Dist of NC.
January 12" 1866 Respectfully returned orders have been issued from Dept. Hd Qrs returning Lt. Drinker to his regiment. Signed E Whittlesey Col & Asst Commissioner
See f. 59 |

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