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|Office Bureau R.F. & A.L. Lumberton NC Jany 10 1866 Capt Jno H Bassler  Makes application for thirty days leave of absence to visit Jefferson city for reasons within stated. | [[note]] See f. [[blank]] [[/note]] Bureau R F & A L. Southern Dist of N.C. Wilmington Jany 16' 1866  Respectfully forwarded to Col E Whittlesey Asst Comm'r State of N.C. Recommended  Chas. J. Wickersham  Bvt Maj. A A G & Supt [[note]] See p 66 [[/note]] |

| Wilmington N.C. Lt R. M. Drinker  Statement relative to the case of Aaron Howel (freedman) and Sellars (constable) | Bureau R.F. & A.L. Southern Dist of N C  Wilmington N.C. Jany 15 1866  Respectfully refers to Major Jas C. Mann A.Q.M. for any information he may have touching this case.  Chas. J. Wickersham Bvt Maj A A G & Supt |
|   | Bureau R F & A L  Southern Dist of N C  Wilmington N C Jany 15 1866  Respectfully returned. It is allegedly the freedman interested, that Mr Sellars collected ten dollars from them for his expenses after getting full pay for the bill, which if true is an outrage upon them & a violation of the State law  
(Signed) J.C. Mann Brvt Maj A Q M  [[?]] |


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|   | Bureau R F & A L. Hd Qrs Sot Dist of N.C.  Wilmington, N C. Jany 16th 1866  Respectfully returned to Lt Drinker. Attention is invited to Endorsement form Maj J C Mann A Q.M. The matter should be investigated and if the facts are as stated Mr Sellars should be compelled to expend the ten dollars  Chas. J. Wickersham Brt. Maj. A A G & Supt |
| Newbern Jany 11 1866  Jenny Russell  Deposition concerning child claimed by Dan'l Russell of Robeson County to be bound to him. | Bureau R.F & A L. Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner Raleigh N.C. Jany 14th 1866  Respectfully refered the Brev't Maj Chas J Wickersham Supt. Southern Dist for investigation, if the complaint be true, he will recover the child & restore him to his mother. By command of Col Whittlesey Asst Comm'r  (signed) Fred H Beecher  Lt A A A Genl |
|   | Bureau R F & A L. Hd Qrs Southern Dist of N.C Wilmington NC Jany 17/1866  Respectfully referred to Capt John H Bassler Asst Supt. Sub Dist [[note]] See f 63 [[/note]] |

Transcription Notes:
Fred H Beecher is correct, not Bucher. Military records are found for Beecher.