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Bureau R F & A L 
Fayetteville NC Jany 2/66

Major H.C. Laurence 

Requests instructions relative to deciding certain cases between Freedmen & their Masters. 
Affecting claims for horses and mules. 

Bureau R F & A L 
Hd Qrs Southern Dist of NC
Wilmington NC Jany 17" 1866

Respectfully returned to Brevt Major H C Laurence Asst Supt &c. The views expressed within are approved, it is suggested that as these animals are U.S. Infantry and liable to seizure at any time by the United States Authorities, Major HC Laurence exercise his own judgement in disposing of them. Where freedmen are disposed to be industrious and are cultivating lands either upon shares or lease and are able to take proper care of these animals; they can be allowed to use them. 
In all cases persons having these animals in their possession should be made to understand that they are the property of the United States and as such liable to be taken from them whenever the interests of the service demand it. 
Chas. J. Wickersham
Bvt Maj AAG

[[note]] from f 61 [[/note]]
of Lumberton for compliance with Endorsement from Asst Commr. 
Chas J. Wickersham
Bvt. Maj. AAG
 & Supt 

Fayetteville N.C.
January 3" 1866

Major H.C. Laurence 

Asking information relative to children being bound out under the state Laws previous to the War. 

Bureau R.F. and A.L. 
Hd. Qrs. Southern Dist of N.C.
Wilmington N.C. Jany 17" 1866. 

Respectfully returned to the restoration of Civil Law does not affect the operations of this Bureau. Your attention is invited to Par. VII Circular No 5. War Dept. Bureau R F & A L when a person enlists and is mustered into the U.S. service he is of course relieved from all obligations of service to other parties. 
When a white man or any other person disregards an order to pay Laborers sufficient Property of some kind should be seized and sold to pay the amount of the demand against him and a fine which should be imposed upon him for refusing to obey the orders of the Bureau. In the absence of any place of confinement fines should be imposed and the persons property sold to pay it. 
Chas J. Wickersham
Bvt Maj AAG & Supt