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| Fayetteville N.C. January 2d 1866. Major. H.C. Laurence A.Q.M.  Requests that he be relieved from duty in the Bureau R F and A L. and returned to duty in the Quarter Master's Dept. | Bureau R. F & A.L. Hd Qrs. Southern Dist N.C. Wilmington N.C. Jany 29th 1866  Respectfully forwarded  Chas J Wickersham Brt. Maj A A G & Supt |                       

| Wilmington N.C. Jany 26th. 1866 Form Capt. E.R. 28th Mich- Reports his action in case of negroes sold into servitude | Bureau R F & A L. Wilmington N.C. Feby 2 1866  Respectfully returned to Brig Gen'l N. Goff. Comd'g Dist with the request that he appoint an intelligent officer to report here for instructions in order that this outrage can be investigated  (Signed) J.C. Mann  Brt. Maj. A Q.M & Actg Supt | 
[[note]] Col. W.H.H. Beadle [[/note]]
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| Bureau of R.F & A.L. Hd Qrs. Southern Dist of N.C. Wilmington N.C. Feby 5th 1866  J.C. Mann  Brvt. Maj. & Actg Supt  Encloses a writ & certain papers which caused the arrest of a Freedman named Lowry & States that he is confined to await the action of the Civil Courts suggest that the Bureau take the case in hand | Bureau R.F. & A.L. Hd. Qrs. Southern Dist of N.C. Wilmington N.C. February 12th 1866  Respectfully refered to Capt Jno H Bassler for investigation and prompt report of facts in this case |
|   | [[note]] See f. 71 [[/note]] Hd Qrs. Southern Dist of N.C. Bureau R F & A L. Wilmington February 23rd 1866  Respectfully forwarded to Col. E. Whittlesey Comm'r Raleigh N.C. attention invited to certain papers & endorsement by Capt Bassler Asst. Supt Lumberton. N C. (7 enclosures) | 
|   | Respectfully forwarded to Col. E. Whittlesey Asst Comm'r Raleigh N.C. attention invited to enclosed endorsement by Capt Bassler Asst. Supt Lumberton. NC. (7 Enclosures) |

| Bureau R.F. & A.L. Whiteville N.C. Feby 10th '66  E H McQuigg Lt & Asst Supt.  States that complaint has been made by Ned Baldwin (freedman) relative to his child being bound out without his consent. He being fully to support her  wishes to retain said child with him. | Bureau R.F & A L. Hd Qrs Southern Dist of N.C. Wilmington N.C. Feby 15th 1866  Respectfully refered to Major H C Laurence Asst. Supt. Sub Dist Fayetteville who will notify the parties that said Indenture is disapproved (for reasons given within) and is hereby declared Nul and void. |