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Lumberton N.C.
February 19th 1866

Rapler Jno H.
Captain 12th Regt V.R.C.

Requests to be mustered out of the U.S. service under G.O. No. 185 War Department A.G.O. of Nov 24th 1865.

Bureau R.F & AL.
Hd. Qrs. Supt. So Dist N.C.
Wilmington Feby 20th 1866

Respectfully forwarded

Bureau RF & AL
Whiteville N.C Feby 19th 1866

E H McQuigg
2nd Lt. & Asst. Supt.

Requesting authority to visit such portions of his county as the interest of the Bureau may require, and that he be furnished with means of transportation

Bureau RF & AL.
Hd Qrs. Supt. So Dist N.C
Wilmington Feby 21 1866

Respectfully forwarded to Col E Whittlesey Asst Commr. Raleigh N.C with the request that some such expense as within asked may be incured by authority

Much of the business required of an officer is distant from his regular Post and it is much more convenient and the ends of parties are better subsumed if the officer can promptly visit the parties and adjust complaints.

It has frequently been a cause of complaint in the country districts that the Bureau failed to reach the results for which it was established and this blame has generally been traceable to our slow action.

In Virginia Sub Dist officers


have houses furnished them, or if not, such expenses properly & necessarily incured are paid upon vouchers approved by the Dist Supt.

Bureau RF & AL 
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh NC. Feby 26th 1866

Respectfully returned to Lt Col Beadle Supt &c if Maj Mann A.Q.M. can turn over a public horse to Lt. McQuigg, bearing him on his Maj Manns action it may meet the within request no provision has been made for giving Officers of the Bureau transportation

By order of Col Whittlesey Asst Commr
(sgd) Fred H Beecher
Lt VRC & AAA Genl

Respectfully returned to Lt. EH. McQuigg Asst. Supt.

This has been on my table since Jany. since its return but I am unable to secure a horse for you

(signed) Wm. HH Beadle
Brevt Lt. Col & Supt
So Dist NC.

March 17 1866 
[[?]] N.C

Transcription Notes:
Make into table. Look at next couple of pages to get an idea how to do these. This is not a table! Read each block across as text. The left text is the summary of the letter. The right block is the response/s.