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| Bureau R F & A L  Wilmington Mar 7th 1866 Winants J.E. A A Surg. U.S.A  Asks that Brvt Maj J.C. Mann A.Q.M. be authorized to expend a certain amount for the purpose of repairing Hospitals. | Bureau R F  & A.L. Hd Qrs. Southern Dist of N.C. Wilmington N.C. March 8th 1866  Respectfully forwarded to Col E Whittlesey & approved  The expenditure herein requested to be authorized has been long needed for the proper care and comfort of the sick |
|   | Bureau R F  & A L  Hd. Qrs Asst Comm'r  Respectfully returned, Approved  Maj Mann will please afford the necessary facilities for making the repairs required  Signed E Whittlesey Asst Comm'r |
|   | Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c. Office Supt. So. Dist of N.C. Wilmington N.C. March 13th 1866  Respectfully returned to Lt E H. McQuigg Asst Supt Whiteville  The Military Authorities decline to act in the matter on amount of insufficient reasons. 


| Letter, in Letter Book folio 115 | Bureau R.F. & A L. Office Supt So. Dist of N.C. Wilmington N.C. March 8th 1866.  Reports to me in compliance with within order David Conan (Colored) and produced genuine papers as follows Viz:  A petition by his Conans Atty addressed to Brig Genl Hawley May 2d 1865. setting forth facts &c  This was endorsed by Genl Hawley appointing a hearing on May 4th 1865.  Thereafter it leaves also the following Endorsement "Hd Qrs Dist Wilmington  Wilmington N.C. May 4th 1865  Ordered herein that the present occupants of the lands and tenements within described vacate & give possession thereof to David Conan the Petitioner on or before May 20"  In case of their refusal so to do the Provost Marshall of Wilmington will cause this order to be carried into effect (Signed) J.R. Hawley  Brig Genl Commdg. Pro Mar Genl |
|   | This endorsement favors a hearing was had & effectually Estops further proceedings by the Freedmans Court of this Dist  I therefore decline to further continue the case |