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[[2 Columned Table]]
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| Letter of R.J. Pearsall Mar 15th 1866. Relative to obtaining certain children as having been bound to him. |Bureau R.F & A L. Hd Qrs. So. Dist of N C Wilmington, N.C. Mar 19/66  Respectfully forwarded to Col E Whittlesey Asst. Comm'r Raleigh N.C. with request for his decision upon the application of Capt. Holmes  I do not recognise any additional Claim he has upon these children because he has raised them. They were then his slaves and he kept them for a profit he has failed to receive | 
|   | Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c  Hd Qrs. Asst Commissioner Raleigh N.C. Mar 20th 1866  Respectfully returned to Brvt. Lt. Col. W.H.H. Beadle Supt &c  Bu reference to Par IV Cir No 1 Hd Qrs Current Series 1866 it will be seen that Civil Courts have no authority to apprentice children. if the man Dick as father to these children, claims them and offers them a support, there seems to be no reason why his claim should be refused -  By order of Col Whittlesey Asst Comm'r (Signed) Fred H Beecher 2nd Lt. 3d U S Infantry & A A A Gen'l [[note]] See f 81 [[/note]] |


|   | Bureau R.F. & A.L.  Office Supt. So. Dist of N.C. Wilmington N.C. March 24 1866. Respectfully returned to Mr Pearsall  Enclosed is a copy of Par IV Cir No 1 refered to by E Whittlesey |  

| Bureau R.F. & A L. Hd Qrs. So. Dist of N.C. Wilmington N.C. March 19th 1866  Beadle. W.H.H. Brvt. Col. Supt. So. Dist.  Order impending the whipping of certain criminals by order of County Court. New Hanover N.C. | Bureau R.F. & A L. Hd Qrs. So. Dist of N.C. Wilmington N.C. March 26th 1866  Respectfully forwarded to Col E Whittlesey Asst Comm'r. Raleigh, N.C. for his further information when the whipping case upon the 17 inst.  This report is made in compliance with my request and fives the occurrence as I understand it. (Signed) W H H Beadle  Brvt Lt Col U.S.V. and Supt. So. Dist of N.C. |