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| [[strikethrough]] Bureau R F & A L. Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner Raleigh N.C. Mar 26 186 [[/strikethrough]] | [[note]] from f 83 x [[/note]] Bureau R F & A L Hd Qrs Asst. Commissioner Raleigh N C Mar 26 1866  Respectfully returned if these buildings are not reported to the Q.M. Gen'l as Q.M. property. Maj Mann can transfer them to Mr Ashley at his discretion. By order of Col. Whittlesey Asst Comm'r. (Signed) Fred H Beecher  2nd Lt. 3d Inf. & A A A Gen'l |
|   | Bureau R.F & A.L. Southern Dist of N.C. Wilmington N.C. March 29th 1866  Official Copy respectfully furnished Maj J.C. Mann  Attention is invited to Endorsement from Asst Comm'r State of N.C.  Chas. J Wickersham  Brt. Maj. AAG & Supt | 

| Bureau R F  & A L  Hd Qrs So. Dist Wilmington N.C. March 21. 1866  Beadle Wm H H. Brvt. Lt Col and Supt  States that in Jany Maj Wickersham forwarded thro Military Hd Qrs - Charges against one Harrell (or Harris) a Lt of Police for taking six mules from certain freedmen & instead of turning them over to the Q.M. gave them to his friends & kept one himself nothing having been done  Wishes instructions as to whether he can secure the mules and return them to the freedmen. | Bureau Refugees Freemen &c Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner Raleigh N.C.  Mar 23 1866  Respectfully returned to Brvt Maj Wickersham Supt &c. The mules within mentioned will if possible be recovered & returned to their owners.  By order of Col Whittlesey Asst Comm'r (Signed) Fred H Beecher 2d Lt. 3d Infy & A A A Genl. |
|   | Bureau R F & A L Hd Qrs. So Dist N.C Mar 29 1866. Respectfully refered to Maj J.C. Mann Asst. Supt. &c for compliance with Endorsement from Asst Comm'r State of N.C.  Chas. J Wickersham Brt. Maj. A A G & Supt |