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[[2 Columned Table]]
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| War Department Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c  Washington 3rd Febry 1866  Recp | [[note]] from f 87 [[/note]] Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c  Hd Qrs Asst Comm'r Raleigh N C February 8 1866  Respectfully refered to Lt Col Wm H H Bradle Supt So Dist N.C. for investigation & Report. By Command of Col Whittlesey  Asst Commissioner  Signed Fred H Beecher Lieut & A A A Genl [[note]] See f 115 [[/note]]
|   | Bureau R F & A L  Hd Qrs Sou Dist of N C Wilmington April 13 1866  Respectfully refered to Capt H H Foster Asst Supt Sub Dist Warsaw for immediate investigation and Report this paper to be returned with Report  Allan Rutherford Lieut. Col V R C & Supt So Dist N C |
|   | Bureau R F & A L. Hd. Qrs So District. of N.C. Wilmington May 15 1866  Respectfully returned to Brt Brig Genl E Whittlesey Asst Com'r for N.C. with reference to enclosed letter of Capt Foster Asst. supt. Sub Dist Sampson Co.  Allan Rutherford  Brt. Col U.S.V (Lt. Col V R C) Superintendent |

|   | [[note]] from f. 76. [[/note]] Bureau Refugees. Freedmen &c &c, Hd. Qrs. So. Dist. of N.C. Wilmington, N.C. April 16th 1866.  Respectfully returned to Brt. Brig. E. Whittlesey Com'r  B.R.F. & A.L. State of N.C, whose attention is invited to the enclosed papers which include all facts in the case. Maj. Wickersham, late Supt. of this Dist. informs me that he had informed Mr. Daniel Russell that Par. No 4 of Cir. No. 1. from your office must be strictly complied with. (Sd.) Allan Rutherford. Lt Col. V.R.C. & Supt. So. Dist. [[note]]See letter Book P. 155 [[/note]]

| Bureau R.F. & A.L. Whitesville, N.C. Columbia Co., Mch. 24th 1866. McQuigg E.H. 1st Lt. & Asst. Supt.  Statement relative to the Case of Emanuel Spaulding against B.M. Richardson. | B.R. F. and A.L. Hd. Qrs. So. Dist of N.C. Wil'ton N.C. April 16th 1866.  Returned to Lt. E. H. McQuigg Asst. Supt. who will investigate and decide this case. (Sd.) Allan Rutherford  Lt Co. V.R.C. & Supt.  [[note]] Papers filed Apl 30/66 [[/note]] | 
| 1 Enclosure |   |