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hold property but his wife could as she was free. Duncan Holmes also states that he understood that the sister of Sarah Moore was to be sold, and that she (Sarah) had given the original Deed to T.C. Worth and consented that the property should be sold, in order to raise the money to prevent her being sold. This statement of Holmes is however unsupported by any evidence in writing.

As this case involves a question of title to real estate I do not wish to take the responsibility of acting on it and could therefore forward all the papers for such action as higher authority may decide.
I am Very Respectfully
Bvt. Col V R C. & Supt So Dist NC.

Bureau. R.F. & A.L. Raleigh April 23 1886

Respectfully returned Lt Col Allan Rutherford. As the freedman Holmes seems to have purchased the property in good faith it could seem unjust to dispossess him except by due process of law. As the civil courts are now organized, there can be no valid reason for interfering with their action in this case. The counsel for Sarah Moore, the plaintiff, will know best what steps are necessary. 

By order of
Bvt. Brig Gen'l Whittlesey Asst Com'r
(Sd.) Fred H Beecher
2nd Lieut 3 US. Inf and A A A G

The above papers have been turned over to B R. [[?]] - Apl 25/66

[[2 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- |
| Duplin County April 18th 1866  Roger Teachy (freedman)  Asking the investigation and recovery of arms taken by certain parties within mentioned from him | Bureau R F & A L. Hd Qrs So. Dist N.C Wilmington April 21st 1866  Refered to Capt. Foster Asst Supt who will on that property in question is immediately delivered to the complainant and his order complied with.  Allan Rutherford  Bvt Col. U.S.V & Supt | 

| Magnolia Duplin Co April 18 1866. Jas E Ward Asking for new trial in the case of himself and Roger Teachy (freed'n) Statement of the case of W H Griffith white against Sam'l Highsmith (fred'n) relative to a horse | Bureau R F & A L Hd Qrs So Dist N C Wilmington Apl. 21 1866  Refered to Capt Foster Asst Supt who will investigate the case and if the ownership of the Horse is proved by Griffith he will cause the horse to be delivered to him. These papers to be returned to this office with the evidence and you actions in the case enclosed  Allan Rutherford Bvt. Col U.S.V & Supt [[note]] See f 122 128 [[/note]] |