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Wilmington. N.C.
April 13th 1866

Rutherford Allen
Lt. Col V.R.C. Supt. So. Dist

Calls attention to the case of Duncan Holmes a freedman

Hd Qrs Post of Wilmington
Wilmington N.C. April 18 1866

Respectfully forwarded for instructions. Duncan Holmes freedman by virtue of an order form Brt Brig Genl Abbot then comdg Post of Wilmington took possession of some tools that the says were his property and in the possession of one "Wells" It is claimed by Wells that he took some other articles not tools at the same time and has had Holmes indicted and held to bail to appear at the next court to answer to the charge of Larceny Holmes claims that he took nothing but what he had authority to take by virtue of the order and that he acted under it and asks protection of the military authorities

(sd) DB Peninton
Capt 28th Mich Vol
Comdg Post

Hd Qrs. Department of N.C. 
Raleigh NC April 20 1866

Respectfully returned to Captain DB Prininton Comdg Post of Wilmington N.C. who willfully investigate this matter and ascertain whether the negro did really take any tools that his order from Genl Abbott did not allow him to take. If so he may be tried by the Agt. of the Freedmens Bureau in a military commission if it is a case which under existing orders does not come within the jurisdiction of the civil courts. If he took


no more than the order authorized him to take he will under Genl orders No 5 Current Series from these Hd Qrs be protected from prosecution by the civil courts. These papers to be returned with report of action

By order of
Bvt Maj Genl Ruger
(signd) J.A Campbell

Hd Qrs Post of Wilmington
Wilmington N.C. April 24 1866

Respectfully returned to Col Rutherford with reference to endorsement form Dept Hd Qrs Cannot this man be tried by an Agent of the Freedmens Bureau

(Sigd) D B Prininton Capt 28 Mich Vol
Comdg Post.

Bureau RF & A.L. Hd Qrs. So Dist
NC. Wilmington April 24th 1866

Respectfully returned to Capt Peninton Comdg Post, with the information that I think this case should properly come before the Bureau RF & A.L. and that I will take the necessary steps to take it out of the hands of the civil authorities and have it tried by an officer of this Bureau

Allan Rutherford
Bvt. Col US. V &
Supt. So Dist N.C.

see F 106

Transcription Notes:
This is not a table. Left side of page is summary of the letter. Right side contains the responses and followups.