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[[2 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- |
|   | [[note]] from f 103 [[/note]] Bureau R.F. & A.L. Hd. Qrs. Sub Dist of N.C. Wilmington, April 28 1866  Respectfully referred to Bvt. [[strikethrough]] Brig [[/strikethrough]] Maj. J.C. Mann A.Q.M. where attention is invited to endorsement of Dept. Commander. Allan Rutherford Bvt. Col. USV & Supt |

|   | Bureau R.F. & A.L. Wilmington N.C. Apr 28/66  Respectfully returned. In examination of the papers returned from Washington, show that they are not the original papers forwarded and the endorsed papers marked "List of buildings" required for the case of Bureau RF & AL- at Wilmington N.C. so my retain copy of the original report forward. By examination it shows the only buildings claimed as turned over by Genl Crook, are the "Camp Lamb" buildings for which an official copy of Sp. Or. 193 Par V was duly forwarded and is enclosed. I knew nothing about the papers as returned, but I certify upon honor that the retain copy mentioned above, is an exact duplicate of the one forwarded to Col Bradle Supt on the 15th of March last, and that the remarks after the several buildings are correct and just (sd) J.C. Mann Bvt. Maj AQM Asst. [[?]] Agt [[note]] See f 105 [[/note]] |


|   | [[note]] See f 104 [[/note]] Bureau R.F. & A.L. Hd. Qrs. So. Dist N.C. Wilmington April 28 1866.  Respectfully returned. Attention invited to endorsement of Bvt. Maj. Mann by an examination of the original papers herewith enclosed signed by Genl Howard. it appears that said papers did not originate in this office as the endorsement of Bvt. Lt. Col. Beadle & Col. E. Whittlesey say opposite their names "signed"  the original "List of Buildings [[strikethrough]] " [[/strikethrough]] required" therefore must be on file in Genl Howards office. Allan Rutherford Bvt. Col. U.S.V (Lieut Col V.R.C.) Supt So Dist N.C. |

| Fayetteville N.C. April 6th 1866 Troy W.C. Encloses copy of order granting him permission to cultivate a garden on the arsenal grounds  States that Mr. McPhail continues to destroy it saying that he has permission from the Ordinance Dept. at Washington to cultivate the same ground | Bureau R. F & A L. Raleigh Apl 8th 1866.  Respectfully refered to Maj. Wickersham Supt So. Dist who will either in person or by another officer investigate the case & try to settle it. If any orders have been received from the Ordinance Dept. at Washington, Copies of the same will be forwarded to this office.  By order of Co. Whittlesey Asst Com'r (Sd) Fred. H. Beecher 2nd Lieut 3 Infy & A A A Genl  [[note]] See f 106. [[/note]] |

Transcription Notes:
"from f 103" means these letters are continued from the previous page 103. See F 105 - referring to the second side of this image. The letter has something to do with that letter (at bottom of 104).