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From f106 
Bureau R F & A.L.
Hd Qrs. So. Dist of N.C.
Wilmington May 9th 1866

This petition is respectfully forwarded to Bvt. Brig. Genl. E Whittlesey Asst Comr. Bureau R F & A L for North Carolina. In my opinion In my opinion the petitioner Duncan Holmes (Freedman) will not have a fair trial in the Civil Courts as he had the temerity to seek his property by applying to the Military Authorities after the evacuation of this city by the Rebels and did obtain his property by virtue of an order of Genl Abbott then Commanding this post there is a strong feeling against him in this community as well as against every man who sought to obtain justice from the military authorities or gave aid or comfort to the forces of the United States. Holmes having acted under an order from the Military Authorities should in my opinion be sustained. He is now under an indictment for larceny before the civil court here for taking his own property under said order, and as I have no idea they will [[strikethrough]] support [[/strikethrough]] recognise said order he will no doubt be convicted I would most respectfully state that Holmes request that this paper be forwarded to General Howard if Genl Whittlesey thinks proper.

Allan Rutherford
(Brt. Col UOV)
(Lt Col VRC)
Supt So Dist NC

see f 113.


Bureau R F & A L.
Office Asst Supt. Robeson County
Lumberton May 5th 1866

Statement of Collin Buie relative to punishment being imposed on his son by one McNeil

Bureau R F & A.L.
Head Quarters So Dist N.C.
Wilmington May 11th 1866

Returned to Lt. Tipton Asst Supt. Sub Dist Robeson County as it appears from the evidence that the boy Jim has been stealing, he deserved some punishment and as it does not appear that the punishment was severe you will dismiss the complaint You will however inform Mr McNeil that no punishment of a like nature will be allowed
Lieut Tipton will hereafter in referring papers to this office properly endorse & sign them
Allan Rutherford
Brt Col [[UOV?]]
& Supt 

Bolton. Brunswick Co.
May 14th 1866

J.A. Peck.

Asking information respecting a complaint for labor, made by certain freedmen against BM Richardson.
Bureau R.F and A.L. Hd. Qrs. So. Dist. N.C.
Wilmington, N.C May 15/66

Respectfully referred to Lt. E.H. McQuigg, Asst. Supt. So. Dist. of N.C. of Columbus. Co,
(sd) Allan Rutherford.
Bvt. Col. U.S.V
& Supt.