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be had for the accused or any of them, in the Civil Courts. I have the honor to state further that I have directed Lt McQuigg to notify the Court to suspend further proceedings until I could hear from higher authority.

There is a Military Commission now in session in this City, convened by S.O. No. 104. dated Hd. Qrs. Dept. of N.C April 25th 1866. to which these cases might be referred.

Allan Rutherford
Bvt. Col. U.S.V. & Supt.
see f. 130

Bu. R.F. and A.L.
Hd Qrs. So. Dist. N.C.
Wilmington, N.C. May 15/66

Rutherford. Allan.
Bvt. Col. & Supt.

Requests that Capt. Hodge be authorized to employ a clerk.

Bu. R. F and A.L.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr.
Raleigh. N.C. May 17th 1866.

Respectfully returned to Bvt. Col. Allan Rutherford, Supt. So. Dist of N.C. Approved. The Clerk may be employed at salary not exceeding $75. per month.
By Command of 
Bvt. Brig. Genl. Whittlesey.
(sd) Asa Bird Gardner
1st Lt. & Adjt. 7. Regt. V.R.C.
& Act. Asst. Adjt Genl.


Bu. R.F. & A.L.
Hd Qrs. So. Dist. N.C.
Wilmington. May 21/66

Respectfully referred to Capt. Justin Hodge, A.Q M. & Asst. Supt. Capt. Hodge will retain these papers on file in his office as the authority by which he employs a clerk,
Allan Rutherford
Bvt. Col. V.R.C.
& Supt,

Lumberton. N.C.
May 19 66.

"Edie," Colored.

Petition for the revocation of her Indentures of Apprenticeship, with Dr. W. A. Dick,

Bu. R.F and A.L.
Office Asst. Supt. Robeson, Co
Lumberton, May 19/66

"Edie" (Colored) request that the Indentures of Apprenticeship binding her to Dr. W.A. Dick, be annulled, as she was over 14 years of age, and bound without her knowledge or consent.
(sd) Geo. W. Tipton
Lt. & Asst. Supt.
Bu. R.F & A.L.

Transcription Notes:
The letters back and forth continue on the right of pg 125. Then start the bottom section. Completely different matters discussed.