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[[3 columns]]
| When Received 1867 | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

|   |   | Statement in reference to the whereabouts and action of certain parties implicated in Murder cases. |

| November 2d | Birnie William Agent &c. B.R.F. & A.L. EB Vol 3. 92 affadavit of Benj McMillan Benj McNair Hannah [[strikethrough]] Mc [[/strikethrough]] Leverson Enclosed | Lumberton N.C. October 30th 1867 Requests the arrests of Macon McKinnon if found in Wilmington. McK. shot a colored man by the name of Crawford for going to a assistance of a colored child when McK ill treating Ravishing |

| Nov 6th | Birnie William Agent & Co E.B. Vol. 3. 96 | Lumberton N.C. Nov 5th 1867 Requests transportation on O.B. from Lumberton to Wilmington and return from Lumberton to Shue Hell and return on W.&C. R.R. and from Wilmington to Fair Bluff and return on W.&M. R.R. | 

[[3 columns]]
| When Recd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Nov 26th | Birnie William Agent & Co - E B Vol 3 Page 101 |  Lumberton N. Carolina November 22nd 1867 States that freedman are making complaints through his office that certain employers refuse to pay them for their labor, that he sends for the parties complained of, but they refuse to pay any regard to any letters from the office. Asks for information |

| Nov 30th | Birnie William Agent Bureau R.F. and A Lands E B Volume 3, 104 | Lumberton N.C. Nov 28th 1867 Makes a statement in relative to Cir No 19 H. 2. A.C N.C. which provides for certain cases to be adjudicated before a Pro Court. Has cases that properly came before such court and ask that they be referred to the Pro Court at Fayetteville N C. which will be convenient to the parties, who are citizen of Bladen and Robeson Counties. | 

| Dec 7th | Washington DC Balloch Geo W. Bv't Brig General Chief Dist Officer | Dec 4th 1867 Encloses check No 1439 in Asst Treas  U. S. at New York to pay Bounty due Marcus Johnson |