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[[3 columned Table]]
| When Rec'd. 1867 | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter| 
| --- | --- | --- |

|   | E.B 218 Vol.3. | Acknowledges receipt of letter, and complys with the request. Encloses bill, signed by McLaurin | |

| July 3d | A. S. Beale Sup't A.M.A. EB 214. vol 3. | American Mission Association "Mission Home" Wilmington July 2, 1868 
Requests an appropriation of $250.00 to heighten the Roof of Hillston School Building Wilmington N.C. |

| July 21 | H S Beale Sup't Bu. O. Asylum   E. B. Vol. 3 219. | Wilmington N.C. July 21 1868 States that three or four boy at Breuer [[Brewer]] Orphan Asylum fed at the Expense of the Govt, able to earn their living, asks for transp for them Via Bal't Elenia & Rock. |

| August | Balloch Geo. W  Bvt. Brig. Gen. U.S.A | Washington D.C. July 30th 1868, Transmit check No 1931 on Asst Treasurer N.Y. for 100. to pay Bounty due Randall Colvin |

[[3 columned table]]
| When Recd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Aug 28/68 | Beals, H. S. Agent A.M.A. EB 235 |  Breuer Orphan Asylum August 27th 1868 Says that a Mr George Anthony of Bristol Rd. has pledged 500 to the erectio of an Asylum building and asks the Government for the sum of 700- which make the required sum to complete building |

|   | Beals H. S. Agent A.M.A. EB 236. | Breuer Orphan Asylum August 27th 1868. Represents the 45. boys at Breuer Orphan Asylum as being much in need of Flannell Shirts; Woolen pants; and Jackets. |

| Oct 6th | Beals H. S. Supt &c A.M.A. E.B. 249, Vol 3. | Breuer Orphan Asylum Wilmington N.C. Oct 3rd 1868. Requests transportation from Wilmington N.C. to Yonkers N.Y. for Frank Robinson aged 8. years, Jerry Myers aged 10 years. |