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R. 45. B. R. F. & A. L. Ast. Comr. N.C.

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & C.
Hd. Qrs. Southern District
Wilmington N.C. April 11" 1866

Rutherford Allan
Lt. Col. and Supt.

Requests information as to other meaning of Par. 1 Cir. 21. War Dept. Bu. R. F. & C.

Rec'd Asst. Comr. N.C. April 13, 1866

Bureau of Refugees Freedmen
Hdqrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. Apr 13 1866
Respectfully returned. Ast. Supt. will make returns of Bureau stores for which they may be responsible direct to these Hdqrs just as they would make returns of Q.M. Stores or ordnances, direct to store departments.
By order
Bvt. Brig. Genl Whittlesey Ast. Commr.
Fred H. Beecher
2 Lt 3rd Infty & AAA Genl
E.B.f. 186.