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NARA 510

The Citizens of Boston, having generously donated a considerable sum of money for the purchase of necessaries for the sick and destitute, and having appointed the undersigned their Committee for distributing the same, the following regulations have been agreed upon to enable the objects of the donation to be reached and the ends of charity accomplished. 
A Committee having been appointed to distribute the funds appropriated for Raleigh and the surrounding country, will be furnished with an Order-book, (Form 2,) which is to be filled up and presented to the issuing clerk. Accounts will be kept of each issue, so that the amount distributed will not exceed the stated allowance made to each member.
The following amounts have been placed in charge of the issuing clerk, Sergt. Cooper, at Iredell House, subject to the orders of each member:
392 pounds of Flour; 160 pounds of Coffee; 200 pounds of Brown Sugar; 40 yards of Calico; 35 yards of Brown Sheeting, and 20 yards of Bleached Cotton.
It is designed that this fund should only be used in cases where the supplies offered by the Government fail to provide the proper nourishment, such as the sick, aged and infirm, and delicate children. 
The Bureau Agent, Dr. H. C. Vogel will furnish food upon proper application, and Dr. Richard Westerling will issue medicines upon application. 
The funds are so limited, and the sufferings so wide-spread, that great economy will have to be exercised in order to reach as many as possible. 
Nelson A. Miles,
Brevt. Maj. Gen. U. S. A.
W. W. Holden,
R. W. Pulliam
May 30, 1867

Transcription Notes:
transcribe ALL content on a page - even information included in the 20th century by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA - where the original records are stored).