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B.R.F. & A.L.
Hd. Qrs. Supt. So. Dist. N.C.
Wilmington N.C. 5" Jan 1867

H.H. Foster
Asst. Supt.

You will immediately proceed to investigate the following statement & complaint made by Clayborn Robinson (Freed) that his child, a girl aged 10 years, & by name Mary Eliza. is held against his will by Dr. Tate Murphy who resides in Taylors Bridge District, Sampson Co. That said child was formerly a slave of Dr. Murphy and remained with him till about a year ago last Sept. when he (Robinson) went to Dr Murphys and took his child but had not reached home with her before he was overtaken by a brotherinlaw of Dr Murphy, by name Wm Murphy & Edward Carr, both of whom beat him & abused him in a shameful manner & took back the child. Said Robinson states that Wm Murphy told him that Dr. Murphy said he would shoot him (Robinson) if he attempted to again secure the child. Said Robinson states that he has made no further attempts to secure the child, fearing the threat of Dr. Murphy would be executed.
You will acertain the particulars of this case