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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 
Headquarters Southern District of North Carolina, 
Wilmington, N.C., January 3rd, 1867

Lieut Geo W Tipton
Asst Sup't Bu RF. and A.L.

Wiley Ambers, Freedman, States that his wide Hessey Saunders, is the mother of three children, named, Harriet aged 16 years, Eliza aged 14 years, and John Allen aged 5 years, that he was formerly a slave of Mr. Danl L Russell of Robeson County and that his wife was a slave of Mr Danl L Russell's son; that in the month of December 1865. Mr Daniel L Russell by false representations, and without the knowledge or consent of himself or wife secured the binding of their children to him by Lieut Tod the Agent of the Bu of R.F and AL at Lumberton at that time. Ambers further states that these Indentures were cancelled by the Bureau early last spring as proof of the fraud, and that the Mother obtained possession of her children which she retained for about four months, when they were taken