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NARA 111
Extracts from Code of Georgia

Par. 785_ No person shall be entitled to the benefits of the provision for the poor who is able to maintain himself or herself by labor, or if not, has sufficient means, and in cases when females are unable to maintain themselves and the helpless children they may have also, they may be aided to the extent required in the furnishing of food, clothing, or shelter.

Par. 786._ if any such person has father, mother, or child of sufficient ability, he or she must be supported by them, and failing so to do, any County in the State, having made provision for such person, may sue person of full age standing in such relation to them, and recover for the time such County has made provision for such person; always provided the person sued was possessed of such ability.

Par 787._ on the trial the certificate of the Clerk of the Inferior Court that the person was poor and unable to sustain himself, and that he was maintained for such a time at the expense of the