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NARA 121

L. 611.
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands, 
Headquarters Assistant Commissioner State of North Carolina,
Raleigh, N.C., 16th March 1868.

Captain A Rutherford U.S.A.
Wilmington N.C. 

I have the honor to transmit herewith duplicate receipts in the case of the bounty of Tena, widow of E. Conega late Pv'te Co. "G." 37th. U.S.C.T. 
Please have same signed & return to this office, when draft for the am't will be forwarded.

I am Captain
Very respectfully
Your obd't sv't.
Jacob F. Chur
Act'g Ass't. Adjt. General.

Transcription Notes: