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[[strikethrough]] Head - Quarters Department of the Cumberland. [[/strikethrough]]


of my former condition I am now free ergo I need no longer work, and if I am compelled to work for wages to support me wherefore is my condition bettered? With such an estimate of freedom is joined the idea spoken of that the government will expatriate the rebel southerner and partition all this goodly heritage of lands among the colored race. 
On the other hand the white people of the south are blind to the lessons of the War. I believe that the fact is general that the former Master would still induce the black to think that he is as much a slave as ever and that he has no reason to hope that he will finally be allowed his freedom. A recent enactment of the Legislature of this State proves how strong is the wicked [[?]] of slavery, among this people. The bill defines the present condition of the people of color and in some of its provisions discriminates against them in a glaringly unjust manner. In spirit it seeks to deny emancipation and in its general tenor discloses the purpose of the "Master race" to again make color the badge of servitude and oppresion.
Both races yet need to be controled by the strong arm of Federal authority The presence and the menace of Federal bayonets ought not yet in any opinion to be withdrawn