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[[left margin]]June 19. 67[[/left margin]]

Fort Johnson N.C. June 19. 1867 

I, Charles Miller, a resident of Brunswick County, North Carolina, am personally acquainted with Harriet Morse Widow who has three young children & is destitute, & who resides in Brunswick County, North Carolina, and state, to the best of my knowledge and belief, that she is unable to maintain herself & children and has no friends to assist her and is worth of charity from the government, and is in danger of starvation if relief is not given. 

Charles his X Miller (seal)

Sworn and subscribed to before me, N Lyman Capt 20th US Infy this 19 day of June, 1867  
N Lyman Capt 20th US Infy


NOTE - This Certificate must be signed and sworn to before some officer or agent of this Bureau. 

[[County??}} Fort