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NARA 314

Memorandum of an agreement 
between William Waters of Clarendon in the County of Brunswick and state of North Carolina and certain freedmen herein after named

The said William Waters agrees to employ for one year (crop year) on his plantation in the town of Clarendon in the County
and state aforesaid the following named

John Waddell, Robert Waddell, Monroe McRae, William Waddell, Robert Williams, James Hall, Junis Neil, Ben Davis, Schuyler Hooper, Charles Hall,
George Davis, Edmund Hill, John Bryan, Lewis Waddell, Richard Waddell, Heady Bryan, Joseph Hall, John Allston, June Green,
Grant Walker, Landy Swan, Sanger Hill, Richard Hill, Frank Hall, [[(Feneah?)]],John (Refugee) Bill [[Pomer?]], Rachel McGuire, John Hall, Peggy Waters

The said Waters agrees to furnish the said freedmen, without expense to them the land seeds and tools, requisite for the employment

Transcription Notes:
Names confirmed on page 62 of this document: Changelog: "...and state [[?]] the following named..." -> "...and state aforesaid the following named..."