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G: I think the less pink one is the more accurate isn't it?

Y: No, the grass green one is.

G: No, we're talking about the same ... the less pink one.

Y: You can't replay those.

G: Sure we can.

Y: I'm just curious.

G: Yes, but let's wait until we get to the end of it, because then I'm going to get fouled up.

G: ... where your slides went, I'm going to replace them before you go. Although really, in a way, I wouldn't mind if you leave your slides with me for a bit.

Y: Well they belong to the galleries.

G: I'll just take them back to them now.

Y: O.K.

G: But I had a carousel from everybody here when I was doing that other article, in fact, I still have Mioko's, I haven't been down there yet to.

Y: Now, have those people banded together and given themselves that title?

G: Yea.

Y: Oh, they did? Really?

G: No, I didn't make up that title, I would have made up something easier to say.

Y: Because I hadn't heard of it before.

G: Well, you know, what happened was that Richard, Frank, and