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October 31, 1941

To Aid Countrymen


NANCY LEWIS                             WARD M. CANADAY

     "This doesn't seem quite right- we ought to be handing a check to you," Ward M. Canaday, general chairman of the Toledo United China Relief campaign, said when the first contribution- other than Canaday's own for the underwriting of the campaign's expenses -- was handed to him by Nancy Lewis, daughter of Charlie Lewis, president of the city's Chinese Association. The check represented a voluntary contribution from the 124 local Chinese and provided enough funds to feed 100 Chinese refugee children in the homeland for 12 weeks. 

Check From City's Chinese Starts Off Relief Drive


124 Toledo Residents Give Enough to Feed 100 Of Their Countrymen's Refugee Children 12 Weeks; "Vote" Campaign Under Way. 


    A check indorsed with sentiment and sacrifice was deposited today with Willard I. Webb, Jr., treasurer of the local United China Relief campaign.
    It was the first check received as the campaign prepares for its send-off over the week-end — other than that of Ward. N. Canaday, general chairman, for campaign expenses. It was a check from the Chinese of Toledo for the Chinese of the homeland. 
    There are only 124 Chinese here, counting even the babies - and their contribution will enable  100 Chinese refugee children to eat their "three squares" a day for the next 12 weeks.

Child Presents Check 

   Seven-year-old Nancy Lewis, daughter of Charlie Lewis, president of the city's Chinese Association, handed the check yesterday to Chairman Canaday.
   "I hope we'll have many, many more like it," he told Nancy. "And I believe we will. Everybody I know believes in China and wants to help."
   Mr. Canaday announced that plans are nearly completed for the visit to Toledo tomorrow, Sunday and Monday of Liu Liang-mo, developer of mass singing in China. 
    "We're going to have Mr. Liu round up as many votes for China as we possibly can, because he's a great campaigner," Mr. Canaday said. 

Like Political Campaign 
   "It's going to be like a political campaign this week-end. Mr. Liu will appear in Kin Wah Low's, Cherry Street, late tomorrow night- I suppose you'd call that the night club vote. Before that, he'll be in the Toledo Club with our women's chairman, Mrs. Frank Stuart Lewis. Then on Sunday we're arranging for him to speak to one of the large Bible classes in the morning, and in the afternoon, there's our public meeting in the Doermann Theater at the University of Toledo. We'll have ballots every place and everybody can vote for China as America's honorable friend - and help buy Chinese children a few meals, too. 
    "Then, on Monday morning Mr. Liu is going after the college vote. He's to speak in the university to the faculty and student body. And he winds up his vote-getting here with a meeting of the city's ministers and an appearance at Rotary."  


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