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The Miami Herald
Thursday, January 9, 1941 N - Florida's Most Complete Newspaper

Vanguard of Light Planes Arrives for All-American Air Maneuvers

More Than 250 Reach Miami Two Days Early; Many Women Pilots Will Participate

More than 250 light planes landed at Municipal airport Wednesday, the vanguard of a sportsman-piloted fleet of more than 1,000 expected here before the 1 p. m. opening Friday of the annual All-American Air Maneuvers.

Two full days before the start of the three-day meet, the field was the scene of daylight-to-dark activities.  Acrobatic planes roared overhead as pilots put finishing touches on some of the thrillers they will exhibit before the crowd.  Carpenter hammers pounded away at the 400-ft canvas and wood replica of Miami's skyline, which will be "attacked" on each of the three days by a squadron of nine dive-bombers from the near-by Opa-Locka Navy Air Base.

Navy officials Wednesday explained the nature of the show they will put on.  They said it would break no precedent or rules of the service, and that the simulated dive-bombing attack, while thrilling, would be conducted in such a manner that even close-up spectators will not be endangered.  

Miss Lupton Arrives
Miss Bobby Lupton, one of the outstanding women pilots on the program, landed at 5 p. m. from Detroit.  She will attempt to retain her title as woman's acrobatic champion.  Hermelinda de Briones, Ecuadorean woman pilot will take off

Miami race chiefs Wednesday issued a special appeal to Miamians and visitors owning cars to help furnish transportation to and from Municipal airport during the annual All-American Air Maneuvers.  Each year special cars are needed to take pilots, distinguished guests and military fliers

Flying Flags, Pretty Pilots Promise Gala Brunch Today   Miami H Jan. 11, 19

Federation's Annual Party Will Start Early, Permitting Ladybirds To Get Back to Airport

Flags will be flying - pretty Toby Wing will be among the guests - feminine pilots will wear their wings and in many cases, probably, their flying togs when Dade County Federation of Women's clubs stages its annual aviation brunch this morning in the Alcazar.

Reporters will be on hand to share the festivities, which are planned at 11 a. m. to permit honored ladybirds to get back to the airport in time to share this afternoon's air maneuvers program, in which many will participate.

Mrs. Sydney L. Weintraub, president, will preside; introduce Mrs. W. R. Pitts, aeronautics chairman.  Mrs. L. J. McCaffrey will deliver the invocation.

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