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[[P]]an-American Flags Fly, Guests From Both Hemispheres Share Aviation Ball. [Column 1] Big Plane Is Symbol __________ 'Everybody' Turns Out For Air Meet Climax (Except Miranda!) __________ BRIGHT FLAGS were unfurled--from this country and Pan American nations--in the Miami Biltmore Country club Saturday night when guests from the four corners of the earth met to dance at the Aviation Ball, grand social climax of the all-American air maneuvers in Miami. A real honest-to-goodness plane (they had to take it apart to get it into the building) was suspended from the ceiling and plane models at each end of the ballroom symbolized the growing closeness of the two Americas. The only thing missing was South America's famed goodwill ambassadress, Carmen Miranda-but there was a Mexican [[d?ance?]] team to help amuse guests. Overhead flew the flags of the [[P]]an American nations, whose vivid [[c]]olors were reflected in the gowns [[o]]f the hundreds of feminine guests who had spent hours previous in [[pr]]eparation for this gala event.) Marine code flags and brightly [[?]] flowers added to the general [[pa]]norama of color. Mrs. Hollis Rinehart, jr., wife of [[th]]e general chairman of the ball, [[li]]ke many others, picked up the [[w]]hite of the Pan American flag in [[he]]r silk jersey gown fashioned on [[so]]ftly draped lines. Riot of Color All the gowns seen together, how[[e]]ver, presented a riot of color, with [[f]]eminine pulchritude evident in everything from the wildest firemen's red to the slinkiest siren black. It was a night of flowers, too--in milady's hair, on her shoulders, her wrists--And furs, with fox and ermine leading the parade. There was glitter galore--plenty of diamonds and gold jewelry, which was further emphasized by the gold braid of full dress uniforms worn by service officers. Yes, it was a brilliant, breath[[ta]]king spectacle--but there wasn't [[m]]uch space to spare as the esti[[m]]ated 600 to 800 guests thronged [[the?]] place. Most fun was evident at tables [[ar]]ranged for big parties. The Rine[[ha]]rts were seated with other com[[mi]]ttee members and their wives, [[ad]]ditional guests. Mr. and Mrs. [[Ch]]arles L. Sykes were noted with [[the?]] group, as were the Charles H. [[?]]kers (she was smart in black [[?]]e), Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Lynch, [[?]] Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Glass, [[?]] Bill Kindays, Mr. and Mrs. Carl [[La?]]mbert. Mrs. Lynch was becomingly [[go]]wned as always. She chose pink [[?]]e worn with a garnet cape with [[sil]]k lining. Attractive touch was [[the?]] pair of long garnet and pearl [[ear]rings, clips to match. Cerise [[flo]]wers appliqued on Mrs. Sykes' [[?]]ck net matched the color of her [[slip?]]pers. Shake Cocktails Earlier Another merry crown of Miami-[[?]] followed an annual custom by [[at]]tending together, after first gathering for cocktails. In this group [[w]]ere the George C, Stemblers; Mr. [[a]]nd Mrs. Glenn H. Curtiss, 2d., (son [[o]]f the aviation pioneer); Mr. Curtiss' mother, Mrs. H. Sayre Wheeler, [[a]]nd Mr. Wheeler; Mr. and Mrs. J. [[?]] Pero, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. [[?]]utson and her sister, Mrs. H. Jack[[so]]n Freeland; Mrs. Florence Illig, [[M]]rs. Charles Parker, Mrs. Betty Sut[[to?]]n, Mrs. Buford H. Jones, the [[C]]harles F. Zeltners, Mr. and Mrs. [[?]] C. Genung, the G. Carl Adamses, [[th]]e Leonard F. Meeds, William Reeser. J. Parker Van Zandt, Guatemala City and Washington, D. C., and Mrs Van Zandt were among the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Curtis. Mr. Van Zandt is a member of the Civil Aeronautics Administration and the two recently returned from a honeymoon trip by airplane around the world. Capt. and Mrs. Marius Lodeesen, Port au Prince, Haiti, were at the same table as were Comdr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Bogan (he's the ranking officer at the naval air station in Opa-Locka; with Mrs. Bogan also attended the Army and Navy ball Friday night); Mr. and Mrs. W. Overton Snyder, Harold Christy, frequent visitor from Nassau, and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hollums. She's From Paris Mme. Cesar Chamay, Paris, France, was noted with the Jules Guillaumes (she is a guest in their Coral Gables home). Mrs. Isabel Bermudez, Mrs. Juanita Basabe and Rafael Urruela came in with Sebastian A. Gelabert. Lieut. and Mrs. Earle S. Spangler were hosts at a cocktail party for 20 preceding the ball and came in late in the evening to share festivities. Judge and Mrs. S. Grover Morrow entertained Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Crandall, the L. T. Lees, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hadley. Mr. and Mrs. Derby Thomas paused for a moment while dancing (as did many others) to glance up at the plane. They and Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hulsman were guests of the W. George Kennedys. Uniforms were a bright note in Comdr. and Mrs. E. J. Whitbeck's party. Lieut. and Mrs. J. E. Madacey, Lieut. and Mrs. K. P. Maley, Ensign and Mrs. J. A. Hyslop, Ensign and Mrs. E. C. Crosty were among their 20 guests. Lieut. and Mrs. L. S. Boesch danced by. They entertained six guests. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Wickel came in with Lieut. and Mrs. J. P. Lunger. The Charles H. Crandons and Mr. and Mrs. R. Earl Smith were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Bush. Goes On, On But you could go on and on--with hundreds of others, of course--and scores of "big names" in aviation and industry, many of them making up late parties. There was a distinguished list of patrons and patronesses, too: Mr. and Mrs. William D. Pauley the J. Avery Guytons, Mr. and Mrs. [Column 2] [[image]] MRS. MAGOFFIN Maps Count In This Case __________ Mrs. Magoffin Gives Explicit Instructions To Cocktail Guests __________ CLEVER maps on the colorful invitations to Mrs. E. T. Magoffin's cocktail party from 5 to 7 p. m. today in her home, Happy Landings, Davis road, South Miami, are almost as important as the card itself -- guests should be sure to carry them on their round of parties today, they're warned! [[image]] Mrs. Way Mrs. Magoffin, aviation chairman for Woman's City club, will be assisted by the officers, including Mrs. Robert W. Way, Mrs. C. H. Norris, Mrs. Joe N. Clemons, Mrs. C. Roy Bair, Mrs. John Semon, Mrs. Alphonse Dumaine, and Mrs. William DeLong. The club's weekly luncheon will take place at 12:30 p. m. Monday in the Gralynn hotel. Edward Clarke of the University of Miami will review "The Life of Winston Churchill" by Rene Crouse at 2 p. m., following the luncheon. Mrs. Norris will be hostess for the afternoon. Tuesday at 12 noon Mrs. Frank Morrow will entertain the board of governors at luncheon in her home, 312 Palm Island. Wednesday, open house will be held from 2 to 5 p. m. in the Gralynn. Mrs. Paul Dankmeyer will pour during the tea hour. Ramona Sawyer Barth will be presented at a program. "The Lighter Side of the News" and a style review Friday at 2 p. m. in the Garlynn. Mrs. Donald Carmichael will be hostess for the afternoon. New City club members are Mrs. John Watt, Mrs. Bess Eggleston, Mrs. Nettie Shafer, Mrs. Bernard Nagel, Mrs. J. H. O'Day, Mrs. Laura S. Goodhue, and Mrs. Etta A. Chamberlain. __________ Y Calendar Is Crowded __________ Classes, Business, Parties Now Vie For Unit Attention __________ Y. W. C. A. calendar for the week will include: Monday, Jan. 13 Board of Y. W. C. A. directors, 10 a. m. Girl Reserve Inter-Club Council, senior high, 4 p. m. Cosmo Business Girls' club supper, recreation night and home demonstration class, 6:30 p. m. Tuesday, Jan. 14 Staff members of group work agencies, 12 noon. Business Girls' club supper, job lobby, 6 p. m. Wednesday, Jan 15 Dr. W. H. McMaster reviewing "Dangerous Opportunity" and "This Is My China" for book hour, 11 a. m. Business and Professional committee supper, 6 p. m. Thursday, Jan. 16 Blue Triangle club supper, 6 p. m. Dancing, 8 to 11 p. m. Friday, Jan. 17 Open house honoring Girl Reserve mothers, sponsored by Younger Girls' committee Y. W. C. A., 4 to 9 p. m. __________ Accordion Concert Scheduled Today An accordion concert will be presented by Erdell Mutchler at 8 p. m. today in the Dallas Park Hotel. Among the new arrivals at the hotel are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steffin, Indianapolis, and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Smith, Cleveland. __________ Meet Thursday German-American Woman's club [column 3] Plan Rites __________ Two Young Women To Become Brides __________ THE marriage of Miss Theolla A. Bellew, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kyrle L. Bellew, 1920 S. W. Twenty-fourth street, to Kenneth A. Flickinger will take place at 4 p. m. today in the First Christian Church with Dr. Everett S. Smith officiating. Will Live Here The bride's sister, Mrs. D. G. Lewes, jr., will be matron of honor and Mrs. Sarah McClesky, maid of honor. Jack Tolle will be best man; Richard Spear, usher. The couple will reside at 1920 S. W. Twenty-fourth street following a wedding trip through the state. Miss Martinez Engaged Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Martinez, 28 N. E. Twenty-eighth street, are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Haydez Maria, to Jack Thomas Lester, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brady, 614 N. W. Twenty-third street. The wedding is scheduled next Sunday, after which the couple will reside at 2854 N. W. Fifty-first terrace. __________ Patron List Now Growing __________ Symphony Series Set For Miami Beach Will Start Monday __________ PATRONS and patronesses for the first symphony concert of the University of Miami's Beach series, to be held in Ida M. Fisher school Monday night with Benno Rabinof, violinist, as guest artist, have been named. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jacobs entertained at a dinner party Saturday night in the Lord Tarleton Hotel honoring the artist and John Bitter, conductor of the orchestra. Subscribers include Mrs. G. Allston, Mrs. F. Arnam, Miss G. Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Beason, Mrs. Frances Hovey Bergh, Miss Sarah Bergh, Mrs. George Bernard, Mr. and Mrs. Bitter. Mrs. N. Bring, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brod, Mrs. Hollis Bush, Dr. William C. Coffin, Mrs. Daniel Cromer, J. L. Cowen, Mrs. D. E. Detweiler, Frank Edwin, I. M. Fadiman, Mrs. Elsa Fairchild, Dr. and Mrs. I. L. Fishbein, Miss Rita Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gregor, Leo Huberman, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jacobs. Milton Kleiman, Mrs. Sarah Koenisberg, Mrs. Ida R. Lear, I. L. Levenstein, Mrs. E. G. Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. William H. McKenna, Miles Mountain, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Mueller, Normandy School, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pick, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Ramagli. Dr. Phillip Reznick, Mr. and Mrs. Milton H. Slote, Louis W. Streuber, Mrs. Robert Thorne, Mrs. Anne Wachtel, Miss Ann Weiner, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wien, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams, Alfred L. A. Young, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Rogers, Mrs. A. W. Koch, Mrs. Edith D. Rowe, Mrs. May Pratt Dreesbach, Mrs. Emma Bowman, Mrs. Juan Ramon Jimenez. __________ Convenes Monday Woman's auxiliary, Holy Cross Episcopal Church, will meet at 8 p. m. Monday in the parish house, 121 N. E. Thirty-sixth street. Bridge and bunco will be played. __________ Pull the Trigger on Lazy Bowels, and Comfort Stomach, too When constipation brings on acid indigestion, stomach upset, bloating, dizzy spells, gas, coated tongue, sour taste and bad breath, your stomach is probably "crying the blues" because your bowels don't move. It calls for Laxative-Senna to pull the trigger on those lazy bowels, combined with Syrup Pepsin to save your touchy stomach from further distress. For years, many Doctors have used [column 4] [[image]] YA-CHING LEE --Walden Photo. Women have played an important part in this weekend's air maneuvers, among them Mrs. E. T. Magoffin (Annette Gipson), who flies her own plane and will be hostess to women pilots at a cocktail party this afternoon. Chinese aviatrix Ya-Ching Lee is sharing the meet and its attendant festivities; was one of the speakers at the federation's Saturday breakfast. Mrs. Hollis Rinehart, wife of the chairman for Saturday night's aviation ball, was only one of many Miamians to share that event, climax for the program of entertainment planned for visitors. She also is giving a private party today; will honor Mr. and Mrs. Garvin Brown, Louisville, Ky., Beach visitors. __________ Miamians Greet Lady Pilots During Gala Get=Together __________ Patriotic Theme Carried Out At Annual Party, Ninety-Niners Mingle With Federation Women __________ PATRIOTISM was the keynote--and with the help of American flags, red, white, and blue decorations, coral vine and fern, the Dade County Federation of Women's clubs entertained women pilots here for the All-American Maneuvers at the second annual aviation brunch Saturday in the Alcazar Hotel. Mrs. Chester LaHuis was in charge of decorations, Mrs. Wilbur C. Curry was co-chairman. Many local women, interested in aviation, were present. This list included Miss Ruth Shelly, "Miss Miami Aviation," and Mrs. D. C. Bertram, active in the Ninety-Niners. Also there was Mrs. E. T. Magoffin, enthusiastic aviatrix. Others who turned out included Mrs. Alexander Orr jr., Mrs. Fred W. Hosea, Mrs. L. J. McCaffrey who read the invocation; Mrs. J. B. Davidson, Mrs. Clifford Reeder, Mrs. James Dunn, Mrs. T. V. Moore, Mrs. Francis Gold, Mrs. T. [[?]]. Stevens, Mrs. Clark B. Stearns Mrs. James T. Wilson, Mrs. David R. Thurman, Mrs J. Avery Guyton. Also Are Glimpsed Also glimpsed in the large crowd were Mrs. Leonard Boatwright, Mrs. W. Bruce MacIntosh, Mrs. James Moore, Mrs. Elfie Sutherland, Mrs. John Calwell, Mrs. J. C. Bowsher, Mrs. Edward Morgan, Mrs. E. L. Robertson, Mrs. Everett [[A?]]ntrim, Mrs. J. Lawrence Kelly, Mrs. Robert R. Taylor, Mrs. C. D. Van [[?]]sdel, Mrs. Charles Enterline, Mrs. Walter Beckham, Mrs. J. T. Feaster, Mrs. C. D. Lesler, Mrs. George Be[[?]]erly, Mrs. Myrtle Taylor Bradford. Mrs. Sydney L. Weintraub, federation president, presided, and introduced Mrs. W. R. Pitts, federation chairman of aeronautics and chairman of the day. Mrs. Pitts welcomed women flyers and introduced Miss Ruth Nichols and Miss Ya-Ching Lee, two of the world's foremost women pilots. Miss Nichols told of some of her flying experiences and the ideals of the Relief Wings, a new aviation organization, which aims to do humanitarian flying for civilians in times of disaster. Gables Breakfast Today Dr. David Fairchild, head of Fairchild Tropical Gardens, and world-famous botanist, spoke, telling stories of early aviation history, in which he and his father-in-law, Alexander Graham Bell, were deeply interested. Additional reservations for the aviation breakfast of Coral Gables Business and Professional Woman's club today at 11 a. m. in Pan Ameri[[can]] [[image]] [column 5] [[Ameri]]can Airways International dining room include Thomas Karl Schmitz, Mrs. James Allen, Mrs. Ruth Sumner, Mrs. Charles Oehler, Mrs. Alma Sanchez Bishop, Mrs. Mary L. Schuster, Mrs. Eva Harrison, Mrs. Marian Ordway, Mrs. Velma E. MacDonald, Mrs. George Zwickel, Sen. Frank S. Southworth of Indiana and Mrs. Southworth. Congressman Jennings Randolph, West Virginia, will be speaker. Patriotic hues also will be used in gay red, white and blue balloons. Many distinguished guests are here for the air maneuvers will be among guests. __________ Railroad Trainmen Group To Convene Ladies' auxiliary, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, will meet at 12 noon Monday for covered dish luncheon with Mrs. Pearl Maxie, 4414 N. W. Eleventh place. Miss May Murkison will be assistant hostess. [[image]] [[image]] [Column 6] Health, Music Plans Ready __________ Kendall, Southside Meetings Outlined, Other Units Meet __________ MRS. GUY LEWIS, program chairman, Kendall P. T. A., has announced "Community Health and the School" as the subject of the meeting Friday at 8 p. m. Dr. Charles F. Crouch will speak on "Oral Hygiene Education in the Community." Members of Cubpack 45 will present a skit, depicting their idea of a dentist's technique. Mrs. Jerome C. Annis will speak on "Health and Safety, the First Aims of Education." Mrs. Mark Pearce will preside over a short business meeting preceding the program. Hostesses will include Mrs. Pearce, Mrs. Annis, Mrs. Jack Rogers and Mrs. C. D. Speed. They're Called Tuesday Southside P. T. A. will meet at 3 p. m. Tuesday in the school auditorium. Mrs. D. Hughes, music chairman, assisted by Miss Irm Waldron and Mrs. Sue Hewling, will present a program demonstrating progress made by music students in the past few months. Mrs. E. Butterwick, hospitality chairman, will have charge of the social hour. The board will meet at 1:45 p. m. to complete plans for a benefit bridge. Also To Convene Gesu P. T. A. will hold its first meeting of the year at 12 noon Friday in the school auditorium. The board will meet at 11 a. m. South Beach Elementary P. T. A. will sponsor its annual mah jongg and card party at 1:30 p. m. Wednesday in the Cromwell hotel. Mrs. J. Hirsch, assisted by room mothers, will be in charge. North Beach Elementary P. T. A. will sponsor a bridge party at 2 p. m. Jan 21 in the Flamingo hotel, Miami Beach. [Column 7] Their Aim Is Expert __________ Simpson Memorial Leaders Are Named For 1941 Projects __________ EXECUTIVE board and committee chairmen for 1941 of the Simpson Memorial Garden Association, sponsored by the Council of Garden club Presidents, has been named. Mrs. Worth St. Clair is chairman, Mrs. William R. Sanders, financial chairman; Mrs. Frank Sandhammer, secretary, and Mrs. Elsie Picot treasurer. Committees are headed by Mrs. T. V. Moore, building; Mrs. Geraldine Marsh, supplies; Mrs. Dennis B. Camp and Mrs. Earl H. Cole, tickets; Mrs. L. S. McConnell, escorts; Mrs. Walter Johnson, refreshments; Mrs. Nelson Tower, service cars, Mrs. Charles T. Fuchs, social. This organization has worked consistently for the past decade toward a garden center to be erected in Simpson Park, where it will house a horticultural library and provide a place where lectures on the practical side of landscaping in this area can be given Eventually, it is hoped to employ a horticultural expert for consultation. [[image]]
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left side has a ripped off column that covers the first few letters in every line