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4-L  NEW YORK JOUNRAL AMERICNA  * * America's Greatest Sunday Newspaper * *  SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1941

Hello with Flowers

[[image]] When Lee Ya Ching, China's first woman pilot, landed at LaGuardia Field yesterday in her sporty monoplane, she received this floral tribute from four-year-old Jacqueline Young, a Chinese-American girl. Journal-American Photo. [[/image]]

China Girl in Pink Slacks Lands Auction Plane Here

Wearing rose-colored slacks, Lee Ya Ching, China's first woman pilot, brought her light yellow monoplane to a graceful landing at LaGuardia Field at 11:10 a. m. yesterday.

She stepped out to receive an armful of danlias from Borough President Isaacs of Manhattan.

The $2,350 place, donated to United China Relief by the Aeronca Aircraft corp., of Middletown, O., will be installed in Times Square Wednesday. During the coming week it will be sold in a nationwide auction. 

The ship, bearing a "lucky lion" symbol and with its wings red-trimmed, is a two-seated pleasure craft.

Greeting Miss Ching at the airport were seven Boy scouts from Chinatown; Dr. Tsune-Chi Yu, Chinese consul general here; George Wu, vice-consul and Douglas Auchincloss, of United China Relief.