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TOLDEO BLADE: MONDAY, November 3, 1941

To Aid Drive


First Chinese Woman Pilot To Aid Fund Campaign Here
Money to Care for 171 War Orphans for a Year Contributed as Drive Opens in Doermann Theater at T. U., Teacher Speaks.

Lee Ya Ching, first Chinese woman to win a pilot's license in her country, will fly to Toledo Wednesday morning in her own plane to aid in the China Relief Campaign here. She will arrive at the Municipal Airport at 11:30 a. m.

The campaign opened with a mass meeting in the Doermann Theater in the University of Toledo yesterday afternoon. First gifts to the local fund were announced by Ward M. Canaday, general chairman. Money contributed as the campaign was opened, he said, assures the care of 171 Chinese war orphans for a year.

Teacher Speaks

Principal speaker was Liu Liang-mo, teacher of mass singing in Chinese armies, who urged that the United States know more about China and give more to China. His speech was illustrated with popular songs of the Chinese army.

Says Army Sings

"Our army is a singing army," Mr. Liu said. "That is why we will win. The Japanese cannot sing because they do not have anything to sing about. Can they sing: 'Kill Chinese, Kill Chinese?' It is all the have to sing about. But we can sing about our freedom and our homes.

"When this war began, China was a weak nations, without the materials of war. But China is winning, and because China is winning, there is every reason to believe Russia, too will win. Because Russia, like China, has vast distances in which to move and Hitler cannot beat Russia any more than the Japanese can beat China." 

Mr. Liu spoke today on the University of Toledo chapel program on "Education -- China's Second Line of Defense."

"Even though most of the colleges of China were destroyed when Japan invaded our country, there are more college students in China today than there were then," he said.

"That is because China, in her new freedom, wants to learn, and students are many and they work hard. The old days of Chinese study, when students locked themselves in cells for days and weeks, are gone, and schools are more like American schools now.

Makes Appeal

"An intelligent China will be ready to take its place in world affairs when we have beaten the Japanese," he said.

Miss Florence Sprague was chairman of the meeting yesterday. Dean Clair K. Searles introduced Mr. Liu, and the Rev. R. Norman Ward made the final appearl for funds.

"There is no difference between good Samaritanism and Americanism," Mr. Ward said.

Guests included Gustavus Ohlinger, Frank H. Canada, Mrs. J. Howard Brinkerhoff, Dr. Philip C. Nash, Charles Lewis, Lawrence Earl Broh-Kah, Dr. Richard E.

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