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RED CROSS WAR FUND                                               3 
Representatives of Allied Nations Visit Red Cross Center

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Participate in Program at Red Cross Information Center

Participating in the Allied Day program, in which the Legion of Alien Volunteer Blood Donors for National Defense cooperated, were the men pictured above. From left to right, Mr. Leandro W. Tomarkin, National Chairman of the Legion, who reported on the help given by the blood donations of its members in the Philippines, Pearl Harbor and other theatres of war; Mr. Gilbert La Bine, of the Dominion of Canada; Mr. Boris Pregel, National Inspector of the Legion, and Dr. Albert Simard, President of the French Societies of New York, who spoke on the goal of the Free French Movement. 
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Consuls General, Others Attend Events Held: Emphasize Solidarity
Nations from every continent of the world, from the varied countries now allied with the United States, were present during the two weeks of the inaugural activities of the Uptown Information Center of the American Red Cross. On three of the days representatives of foreign nations were the guests of honor while two days were officially devoted to nations now allied with the United States.
Thursday, January 15, was dedicated to the Pan American Conference of Foreign Ministers which opened on that day in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Wednesday, January 21, was set aside as Allied Day when representatives of most of the signatory nations against the Axis visited the center and participated in a program in which the Legion of Alien Volunteer Blood Donors for National Defense cooperated. On the preceding Saturday Miss Lee Ya Ching, China's first aviatrix, addressed more than 100 Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts who were at the Center to demonstrate first aid to visitors.
Among the South Americans who were present on January 15 were the wives of the Consuls General of Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia and Ecuador, as well as two Chilean Red Cross nurses who are now guests of the United States Government. Two two nurses, Senorita Elena Walker and Senorita Elaine S. Ross, were in New York preparatory to attending the "winter-summer" session at the University of North Carolina as part of the Pan-American cultural relations program looking towards closer understanding between the two continents. 

Wives of Consuls General

The wives of the Consuls General who were present and showed interest in the work being demonstrated at the center were: Senora Phoebe Q. de Traverso, of Argentina; Senhore Antoinetta Correia, of Brazil; Senora Juste R. de Hartmann, of Bolivia, and Senora Maria Plaza de Duranballeu, of Ecuador.
In honor of the day a special program of Latin American music was presented by Mr. Kenneth Walton at the Novachord. Vocal selections were given by Miss Nina Gordani and Mr. Carlos Morelli, Metropolitan Opera baritone.

Miss Lee Ya Ching

Miss Lee Ya Ching, China's first aviatrix, addressed the Girl Scouts and the Boy Scouts on January 17 about the work being done by Chinese boys and girls.
"The boys and girls of China are helping greatly in the relief of war distress," said Miss Lee. "They are giving first aid to the air raid victims. They are helping refugees. They are doing their bit in many wats, like you young people in America."
Miss Lee concluded her talk on an optimistic note, saying: "I am confident of our allied victory. I am confident of the future because of the character of our youth in America and in China."

Allied Day

Mrs. Hedwig Ehrlich, widow of Dr. Paul Ehrlich, discoverer of salvarsan, was guest of honor on Allied Day which was observed on January 21 under the auspices of the Legion of Alien Volunteer Blood Donors for National Defense. The legion, which is composed of 2,000 blood donors, has given blood which was used at Pearl Harbor and the Philippines. 
Mrs. Duncan Harris was chairman of the program which was held on this day. She expressed the appreciation of the Red Cross for the valiant manner in which the member of the legion have responded to the appeal for blood donors. 
Em. Jan Hajny, Consul of the Czechoslovak Republic and member of the board of the Legion, spoke in behalf of its members. Dr. Albert Simard, former President of the Federation of the French War Veterans of the Great War and President of the French Societies of New York, spoke on the goal of the Free French movement which he founded in the United States. Mr. Leandro W. Tomarkin, National Chairman of the Legion of Alien Volunteer Blood Donors for National Defense, reported on the help given by the donations of its members in the Philippines, at Pearl Harbor and in other theatres of war. He read an excerpt from Lisa Sergio's Column of the Air, broadcast the previous night over station WQXR.

Foreign Guests

Amongst the other guests on that day were Mr. Michael Moscicki, son of the former President of Poland; Mr. Stoyan Pribichevich, son of the founder of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.; Mr. Boris Pregel, National Inspector of the Legion of Alien Volunteer Blood Donors for National Defense; Consuls General and representatives of various signatory nations and members of the Board of the legion.
The representatives of the various foreign nations present follow:

Czechoslovakia: Em. J. Hajny, Consul; Dr. Jan Papenek, Consulate General; Mrs. Papenek, Dr. Joseph A. Winn, Masaryk Club, and Dr. Rudolf Firkusny.
Belgium: Maitre Alexander Salkin, General Councellor of the Belgian Government; and Mr. Coris, Chief of the Belgium Information Center of the Belgium Embassy.
Denmark: Mrs. Elisa Grondal, Mrs. Stella Peterson, and Mr. Walter Eriksen, all of the Danish Central Committee.
Estonia: Mr. Johannes Ernst Marcus, President of World Association of Estonia, representing Consul General.
Dominican Republic: Mr. Felix W. Bernardino, Chancellor of the Consulate General.
France: Dr. Albert Simard, Vice President of France Forever; Mr. V. Hesselm Editor-in-Chief "Pour la Victoire."
Great Britain: Mr. L.J.N. Blyde, Executive Secretary, British War Relief Society, Representative of Consul General.
Guatemala: Mr. Gustavo Rives, Acting Consul of Guatemala.
Haiti: Dr. Rulx Leon, Consul General.
Lithuania: Mr. Jonas Budrys, Consul General.
Mexico: Mrs. Maria Alfaro, representing Consulate General.
Netherlands: Mr. E.V.E. Teixeira De Mattos, Netherlands Consulate General.
Poland: Mr. Michael Moscicki, Son of former President of Poland.
Switzerland: Mr. Victor Nef, Consul General; and Mrs. Wenda Tomarkin.
Union of Socialist Soviet Republic: Mr. Jouri Okov, representing Consul General. 
Yugoslavia: Mr. Stoyan Pribichevich, Son of the founder of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia; Mr. Ivan Modercin, Journalist "Nova Yugoslavia"; Mr. Wladimor Ivanovich, and Dr. Svetislaw Petrovich.

Chilean Red Cross Nurses Foster Pan-Americanism

Among the group of South American students brought to the United States under the sponsorship of the Institute of International Education, to attend the "winter-summer" session at the University of North Carolina, are two official representatives of the Chilean Red Cross, Señorita Elena Walker and Señorita Eliane Ross. The students come to this country as guests of the Department of State--part of the cultural relations program looking toward closer understanding between the two continents.

The Senoritas Walker and Ross have spent much time in Paris, France; the former studied at Sacré Coeur School, the latter at the Sorbonne. Both young ladies are graduates of the three-year nursing course which is part of the Chilean Red Cross program with the local hospitals. As is the case in many Latin American countries, the Red Cross has pioneered in all phases of social and health work.

The Señoritas are active in all efforts to improve social and health conditions in Chile, and, during the earthquake in January 1939, they did an outstanding and recognized piece of Red Cross work. Because of their administrative work with the Chilean Red Cross they are enrolled for public health courses at the University and were particularly pleased that their short stay in New York City coincided with the local Red Cross drive.

Chilean Red Cross
Speaking for the two young ladies, Señorita Eliane Ross said that they were both anxious to learn in detail about the work of the ladies of the American Red Cross.

"The Chilean Red Cross is not so well organized as the Red Cross here," she said. "The Red Cross was organized voluntarily by women in Chile, and as the movement grew it was taken over by the International Red Cross at Geneva, Switzerland, and a Chilean National Committee has been formed.

"The Red Cross ladies in Chile figured largely in rescue and relief work in connection with the devastating earthquakes in Chile."

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Speaks for Legion
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Czechoslovakian Consul Speaks in Behalf of Members of the Legion

The contributions which representatives of  allied nations and nationals of these countries, who are now residing in the United States, have been making to the allied cause through donations of their blood were pointed to by Em. Jan Hajny, Consul of the Czechoslovak Republic, in a talk given on Allied Day in the Uptown Information Center. Mr. Hajny's remarks follow:

"On behalf of the Legion of Alien Volunteer Blood Donors for National Defense permit me to express our sincere appreciation to the Committee of the Information Center of the American Red Cross, New York Chapter, for the invitation to participate in this Allied Day.

"We are grateful to the American Red Cross that it accepted our humble token--to give our blood for American and Allied soldiers and sailors--as our contribution to the defense of the great American democracy and her Allies, and toward the liberation of all democratic countries overrun by our common enemy. All loyal guests of your great country are joining fullheartedly in this fight against the aggressors. This is the least we can do, and we are doing it very willingly.

Legion Expanding
"This Legion is expanding its ambitious work day by day in close cooperation in this fight for the security of its adopted country and for the restoration of freedom throughout the world, regardless of the national origin of its members and regardless of whether its members are citizens or aliens.

"Mr. Tomarkin, the organizer of the Legion of the Allied Blood Donors, deserves our great thanks for having conceived and ably developed this humanistic drive. He 

accomplished the realization of our common aspiration, that we are behind the American and Allied soldiers with everything we have, that we are and will be enjoying the privilege of participation in this just fight for freedom in order to share all the consequences leading towards the final ultimate victory.

"This Legion is growing rapidly. Today the drive of this Legion is not conducted only in New York, but new centers throughout the territory of the United States of America are being organized and will function tomorrow. All our ambitions are to be one with you in this hard struggle for freedom of democracies.

Tribute to Mrs. Ehrlich
"We are again welcoming in our midst Mrs. Hedwig Ehrlich, widow of Dr. Paul Ehrlich of international fame. She willingly joined our forces in order to carry on in the work of Dr. Ehrlich, whose life was entirely devoted to helping suffering humanity.

"On behalf of the Legion, I wish to express our appreciation to the American Red Cross for its full understanding and cooperation. For myself, I wish to Mr. Tomarkin every success in his work.

"In closing, permit me to quote the words of Dorothy Thompson (at the Rally of Alien Blood Donors for National Defense): 'With the gift of your blood you enter the body of America and the body of free men everywhere, who struggle unitedly for a common cause.'"


French Societies' Leader Relates Ties Between France and America

The goal of the Free French movement was briefly presented by Dr. Albert Simard, former President of the Federation of the French War Veterans and President of the French Societies of New York, in a talk given on Allied Day in the Uptown Information Center. Dr. Simard's talk follows:

"In these dark times, when the whole world agonizes in the bloody clutches of a total war, when universal hatred and merciless extermination are so well timed to fulfill the doom of individual lives, national communities, moral traditions and religious faith, blessed be the Red Cross whose work represents almost the last excuse for the pride we still may take in our human condition. 

“Its total devotion, on a basis of complete self sacrifice on the part of its members in financial and personal activities to the fight  all forms of suffering, is indeed a pure expression of the social creed of all those in whom evil has not yet completely or forever overcome the angel and who, in this valley of tears, still abide with the law of God: love one another and peace on earth to all men of good-will.
"In this sacred crusade and since its very beginning the American Red Cross, unreservedly supported by the proverbial generosity of the American people, has definitely set an inspiring example to the rest of the world. And who could be better aware of it and grateful for it than we Frenchmen, whose country in 70 years has been, without provocation or excuse, invaded and mutilated three times by the same ruthless enemy.

"of old and of today, how many tears have been dried up, how many aches have been soothed- thanks to this American Red Cross in the eyes and the hearts of our mothers, our wives and our children. If today in the deadly jails of Germany our fifteen hundred thousand you men, starved and destitute, still have a breath of life and a ray of hope in them, if in France there is a limit to the holocaust of hunger amongst our babies or our old folks, our conscious and everlasting gratitude goes to this American Red Cross.

France and America 

"This is one of the reasons why we Frenchmen who have the privilege of living over here in this blessed country, have been eager and happy and proud to join the legion of Alien Volunteer Blood Donors for National Defense, and become partners in the Blood Bank of the American Red Cross. This is nothing new for us: Centuries ago Lafayette and his soldiers had already crossed the ocean from yonder to share their blood with those of your forefathers who have built this country and shown the world the way to Liberty. Year later the same French and American blood has again been mixed on the battlefield by the men of Foch and Pershing. Today again our Free Frenchmen, under the noble leadership of General Charles de Gaulle, despising the unwarranted expression of some so called clever diplomatic red tape she their blood in Africa as the French hostages do in Paris, Nantes and Bordeaux, to spare yours.

"And tomorrow, when thanks to the Free French and their allies, France will be liberated from the despicable traitors of Vichy, it is the whole country who will rise again and again mix her blood with your until at long last the day will come when tears of joy will run from the eyes of all the free men in the celebration of the final victory in everlasting peace and Liberty. God Bless America!"

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Guest of Honor
Mrs. Hedwig Ehrlich, who was the guest of honor at the ceremonies on Allied Day at the Uptown Information Center, is shown signing the roster of distinquished visitors to the center. Mrs. Ehrlich is the widow of Dr. Paul Ehrlich, discoverer of salvarsan.
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New York City Seeks Its Quota by February 11

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on Monday afternoon, January 12th, and were highlighted by the illumination of a large Red Cross, which symbolized the official opening of the center. The  switch, which illuminated the Red Cross, was thrown by Mr. Leon Fraser, Chairman of the Red Cross War Fund for Greater New York.

The dedication ceremony included addresses by Mr. Thos. J. Watson, who welcomed the gathering; Mr. Leon Fraser, who acted as chairman and told the audience of the work of the Red Cross today in relieving suffering in the Far East; Major General James G. Harbord, who discussed the purpose of the Information Center; Miss Clare Boothe, noted author and playwright, who told of her observations of Red Cross work during her recent trip through the Far East; Hon. Newbold Morris, Acting Mayor of New York City for the day, who explained the significance of the Red Cross Center to the people of New York City and Mrs. William Barclay Parsons, Jr., who explained the functions of the various branches of the Red Cross as workers marched upon the stage to show the audience the type of uniforms worn by each branch.

The dedication ceremony was broadcast throughout the world, beamed by WRUL, short-wave radio station of the World Wide Broadcasting Foundation, in Boston, Mass., to reach not only Europe and Latin America, but Hawaii, the Philippines and the Far East, WQXR carried the program locally.

Varied Program of Activities

During the following two weeks various days were set aside for different groups to participate in the effort to disseminate information. In addition, on each day demonstrations were given in the windows and on the floor of the center concerning the various services of the Red Cross.

Contributing to the programs on different days were opera and concert singers, as well as painters, etchers, sculptors and sketchers. In addition, on each day, motion pictures were shown. The pictures, which presented America's preparation for the war effort, were entitled: "Fighting the Fire Bomb", "America's Call to Arms" and "Marching With Old Glory". Also selections were played on the novachord, several times each day, by Mr. Kenneth Walton.

Singers who rendered selections were Mr. Carlos Morelli, Miss Nina Gordani, Miss Muriel Dickson, Mr. Frederic Schweppe, Mr. Samuel Adams, Miss Dorothy Kirsten, Mr. Del Arden, Mr. Robert Weede, Mr. James Phillips, Mr. Earl Wrightson, Miss Thelma Votipka, Mr. Frank Parker, Miss Margit Bokor, Mr. Vaughn Comfort, Mr. Normal Cordon and Mr. Giovanni Martinelli.
Artists who contributed their talents by painting, etching, sculptoring, or sketching works of art, which were later sold to raise funds for the Red Cross, included Mr. Irwin D. Hoffman, Mr. Don Freeman, Mr. Wayland Gregory, Mr. Fred G. Cooper, Miss Leonebel Jacobs, Mr. Gordon Grant, Mr. Wayman Adams, Mr. R. W. Woiceske, Mr. John Taylor Arms, Mr. William Zorach, Mr. Boris Luban, Mr. William Auerbach-Levy, and Mr. Charles Baskerville, Jr. 

Civilian Defense organizations, the Army, the Navy, and the Marine Corps united in a Defense Rally on Saturday, January 24, at the center to climax the inaugural two weeks of activities which served as a means of providing citizens on what they can do to help the Red Cross as it carries on its work as the nation's humanitarian might. Speakers on the program were Mrs. Henry Breckinridge, a director of the center, who presided; Mrs. Oswald B. Lord, Assistant Director of the Office of Civilian Defense in charge of the Second Corps Area; Mrs. Winthrop W. Aldrich, Chairman of the Greater New York Civilian Defense Volunteer Office, and Mr. Thos. J. Watson.

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South America and Europe Represented on Information Center Program

Two official representatives of the Chilean Red Cross were guests at the Uptown Information Center on January 15. Senorita Elena Walker, on the left, and Senorita Eliane Ross, on the right, were accompanied by Miss Helen Kisby, who represents the office of the Mayor of New York City in extending official welcomes to South American visitors.

Mr. J. E. Marcus, Consul of Estonia, is shown signing the roster on Allied Day as Count J. K. Krasicki, Consul of Poland, and Dr. Karel Steinbach, Surgeon General of the Czechoslovak army, watch. Representatives of various nations throughout the world participated in the day's observance which was held in cooperation with the Legion of Alien Volunteer Blood Donors for National Defense.

Mr. Jonas Budrys, Consul General of Lithuania, is shown signing the roster in the Uptown Information Center. Mr. Budrys was one of the numerous representatives of foreign nations present on Allied Day at the center.
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