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Feminine Bravery

Men, Women, Share China's Combat Duty

[[1 image, 1 on the page]]
[[A Close up photo of Ya-Ching Lee in a white scarf wrapped around her head and a black blouse]]

Post staff Photo
By Scott Hart
Post Staff Writer

Miss Ya-Chang Lee's eyes are deeply feminine and delicate fingers chose her head scarf but she is tough and brave and don't mistake it.

In May, 1935, a safety belt broke in the plane she flew and landing by parachute in San Francisco Bay she could only comment "I lost my shoe." Here yesterday, on behalf of United China Relief, she said, "There is no difference between women and men in accepting between women and men in accepting combat duty when their homes are at stake in war.

The thought occurred while talking of the Chinese women who go into the fighting line as fighting soldiers, build roads, cook and wash clothes for the fighting men, perform police duty, in a China where "this situation is getting worse and worse," she said.

"We need planes and medical supplies and other materials," said Miss Lee. Properly supplied Chinese armies will save America's manpower. "We've got the manpower," she said.

The woman with the soft eyes and fragile voice talked for 30 minutes of steel, guns and pillage, of a terrible need of things to fight with but almost shouted, "We'll keep in fighting anyhow because we believe in our leaders and know they're doing what's best."

"Spirit," she said loudly, as if trying to make the world hand. and shiver in the air for no one to mistake. "We're fighting a war with one hand and building a better world with the other, even while the war goes on." Children are being trained as parachutists, pilots are being trained with a view to China's present and future safety. And in the past six years 19 million persons have been educated, she said.

And of how many seem to die so calmly, Miss Lee reflected, "the Chinese think in terms of eternity."