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The Washington Post
[[?]]ngton Post.
Washington: Thursday, February 18, 1943 X****

Talks to Congress Twice Today
Madame Chiang at White House

Harris & Ewing Photos
The President rides with Mme. Chiang from the Union Station to the white House.

Wife of China's Warrior Chieftain Roosevelts' Guest

Aid to China Helps U.S.

War Materials sent to China will save America's manpower, says China's first woman pilot. Story on Page 5.

Interesting Facts about Mme. Chaing Kai-shek are revealed by Miss Elizabeth Redelstein, supervisor of Washington Sanitarium, Takoma Park, Md. Story on Page 6-B.

Here from N.Y.
By Edward T. Folliard
Post Staff Writer

Mme. Chiang Kai-shek, first lady of China, arrived in Washington yesterday afternoon and was met at Union station by President Roosevelt and Mrs. Roosevelt she will be their guest at the White House for an indefinite period.
The world-famous wife of China's generalissimo, is was disclosed, came here after spending six days at Hyde Park, the Roosevelt ancestral home in New York.
The time of her arrival had been kept secret, so that the crowd at Union station was a small one, made up mostly of policemen, detectives, newspaper people, and a contingent from Washington's Chinese colony.
Mme. Chiang Kai-Shek, it was agreed, was as attractive as her photographs would indicate - and then some. She flashed a radiant smile as she emerged from the terminal and went forward to greet President Roosevelt with a "How do you do."
She wore a handsome fur coat, but what kid of pelts went to make it up was a matter of dispute. One girl reporter said it was sable; another thought it was mink, while a Chinese reporter - Joe Chiang - nominated otter.
Under the coast was a black Chinese silk dress with a split skirt. Other items noted by those with an eye for such things were silver and ruby earrings, a net scarf studded with red, green and yellow
See Chiang, Page 4, Column 5. 

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