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'Flying Tigress' Manifests Spirit of China
Lee Ya-Ching Gives Lectures in United States
(North American Newspaper Alliance)
NEW YORK, March 20. -- Because "flying is the height of imagination," Lee Ya-Ching, the perfect Chinese beauty, who is known as "The Tigress of China," became a flier.
Miss Ya-Ching (which means "Glow After Sunset") has settled down here in a super-modern apartment. There is hardly anything Chinese about her surroundings, and yet when this diminutive girl in the light grey dress made according to Chinese custom, walks about on her high heels in a languid manner, carrying her superb head high, there is an exotic air about her which exudes spring and gayness.
Studied in Europe
When she sits down on a huge pastel blue couch and leans her head with the large intelligent eyes, the arched eyebrows and her crowning glory of blue-black hair against a pillow, it is hard to believe that those eyes have for hours at a stretch been glued to an instrument board. Or that the tiny hands with the lacquered nails have been grimy with the dirt of a mechanic.
"Flying," she says, "is my life. I went to school in Europe--for several years in England, and later in Switzerland. It was in Geneva that I decided to attend the Ecole d'Aviation and as soon as I had my license I made up my mind to learn more about flying. America was the right place, so I came over here and attended the Boeing School of Aeronautics in Oakland, Cal., for a year. There I learned blind flying, metallurgy and mechanics. In 1936 I returned to China to promote civilian aviation. The government gave me a plane and later I became a volunteer co-pilot with the Southwestern Airlines.
Fled From Shanghai
"Then came the outbreak of the war," and Ya-Ching looks as concerned and unhappy as a bird of paradise in a cage. "I was in Shanghai and, naturally, I started to do volunteer work at once. I helped out in hospitals as a nurse and did any relief work that I could possibly do. At the fall of Shanghai, it became very unhealthy for any patriotic Chinese to stay there, so I moved on to Hong Kong and Canton."
It was in Canton that her family, who were followers of Sun Yatsen, took active part in the overthrow of the Manchu dynasty. But let her tell you.
"My family always wanted to be free and to make China progressive. During the revolution my grandmother set up an embroidery shop in Canton. Naturally, it was only a camouflage, where the revolutionists could meet in the cellar at night. Nobody even thought of suspecting my grandmother who was a very dignified lady.
Aided Revolutionists
"In that shop many important things were decided," she continues. "For instance, how to smuggle ammunition and gunpowder in to the rest of the revolutionists. My father and one of my uncles once threw a homemade bomb from a housetop down on a procession and killed a very evil general. 
"So you see," and Ya-Ching

Beautiful Ya-Ching tours United States in the interest of her people.
Flynn Fiasco Stirs Foreign Service; Diplomats Require Years of Training
(Special by New York Herald Tribune to The Miami Daily News)
NEW YORK, March 20.-- The Edward J. Flynn fiasco has stimulated interest in the United States foreign service, the average citizen wanting to know something about the diplomats who have the wartime responsibility of representing this country abroad.
Questions about Nelson T. Johnson, minister to Australia, are being asked by Americans who never heard of him before President Roosevelt sent Mr. Flynn's name to the senate for confirmation as Mr. Johnson's successor at Canberra. 
One of the reasons for Mr. Flynn's failure to obtain senate 
The president, as the head of a sovereign state, may send a representative and designate him whatever he pleases, provided the country to which the representative is sent will accept him. Hence, President Roosevelt could send Joseph C. Grew to Australia without the latter having to step down from the rank of ambassador he has in Japan. Mr. Grew is mentioned prominently as a possible choice for the Australia post because of his long experience in international affairs, his understanding of the Japanese people and his knowledge of the general situation in the Far East--all this 
to Argentina, and Jefferson Caffrey, ambassador to Brazil.
Ambassadors now in important posts who are not foreign service career men include John G. Winant (Great Britain), Admiral William H. Standley (Union of Socialist Soviet Republics), and Lawrence A. Steinhardt (Turkey). 
The salary of an ambassador is $17,500 a year, that of a minister $10,000. An ambassador heads the staff of an embassy, which as a rule is to be found in one of the larger countries. A minister is in charge of a legation, in a country not sufficiently large or important to have an ambassador. 
The rank is reciprocal, as agreed