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The B.B.C. Entertains Allies

MR. CHRISTOPHER Gorton of the B.B.C. was the host at a delightful party at his agreeable apartment yesterday, given in honour of the Inter-Allied Committee, of which Mr. Mervyn F. Ryan is chairman.

This gesture of the British Broadcasting Corporation, for whom Mr. Gorton acted, was much appreciated, it being generally appreciated that English-speaking people owed him, and through him the B.B.C an immense debt for the quality and variety of broadcasts now made from England throughout the world; the news services music and "features" which add so much to the local interest and personal touch as well as those less publicised sections which have aided in so notable a fashion the Liberation of Europe now proceeding so satisfactorily and which was the reason of last night's gathering. Mr. Gorton and his colleagues have always been ready to make every effort to improve the reception here and relations between those who transmit and those who receive and to pass on requests for the variety of radio diet in demand.

Radio, music, radio-theatre, literature and "human interest" stories in many languages were discussed in the little groups which circulated as they enjoyed Mr. Gorton's friendly hospitality. But, of course, the most important topic was the war. It was pleasant to see China, in the person of Miss Ya-Ching, the noted airwoman now holiday making in B. A., fraternising with Russia. represented by the celebrated write, Mr. P. Schostakovsky. Miss Lee, who was elegant in a floor-length black silk, satin-faced confection, expressed herself delighted with Argentina's capital, but even more impressed with the innate and potential strength of Argentina's vast hinterlands. Mr. Schostakovsky, a student of military strategy of no mean standing, had most interesting observations on Germany's future to make and pressed for his opinion regarding a date as to the conclusion of hostilities in Europe, with reservation implied that in his view the beginning of November would see the close of this phase of the war. 

The whole gathering was in a most hopeful frame of mind, particularly the Dutch. They remembered with pride a gathering in Olivos in October, 1940.

Mr. Christopher Gorton of the B.B.C. and some of his international guests at his party honouring the Inter-Allied Committee.

which was the inception of Inter-Allied co-operation here and ultimately led to the flowering of the coordination of all the English-speaking communities and the wonderful joint efforts which have since grown up, as also the friendship which has enriched the lives of all.

This hopeful note was emphasized in the party's coinciding with the first day of spring, which was officially ushered in by the bright, dainty trifles which graced the ladies' heads.

Among the guests were:

Belgium: Mr. and Mrs. C. Walravens, Chargé d'Affaires; Mr. and Mrs. M. Dechamps.

Denmark: Mr. and Mrs. S. Holten-Nielsen, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lebeck

France: Mr. and Mrs. R. Lerey, Mr. and Mrs. D. Dhainant 

Great Britain: Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Ryan, Mr. O. A. E. Shuckburgh (Chargé d' Affaires). Mr. G H. Gibbs

Holland: Mr. and Mrs. J.G.L. van Dorp (Chargé d'Affaires), Mr. and Mrs. G. C. D. Neumann, Mr. H. H. Smith, Dr. and Mrs. H. P. E. Laqueur

Norway: Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Wesman (Chargé d'Affaires), Dr. and Mrs. W. Lindboe.

Poland: Mr. J. Stempowski

U.S.A.: Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Granger

Yugoslavia: Dr. F. Dominikovic, (Chargé d'Affaires), Mr J. Markovic

Mr. and Mrs. A Hamwee, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Pears, Mr. L. Haida, Mr. E. Suda, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Beckwith, Miss P.M.Jéquier, Mr. P. Schostakovsky, Mr. and Mrs. A. Roberts, Miss Lee Ya Ching.

(Buenos Aires)