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Page 3 - Foreign - Neville - Article 8

The Wang Ching-wei people here publish several newspapers (the number depends on what week you count them), are apparently well paid for their partisanship and live a solitary existence. Their argument runs like this: China is power[[strikethrough]]ful[[/strikethrough]]less to oppose the modern Japanese Army. Further opposition only contributes to the general devastation. The one supreme need of China is peace. Wang has got the best possible terms out of the Japanese, so why not join him? It is a singularly ineffective argument which is attractive to only a few millionaires. The Japanese bomber has done more to unify China than either Sun Yat-sen or Chiang Kai-shek, and Japanese murder, rape, torture and arson have given will and determination to an otherwise easy-going and reasonable people.

Hongkong is a place where one calls male servants twice you age "boy", where luncheon is tiffin, where whisky and soda is served without ice, where people invariably sign chits rather than pay out good money, where rickshaws are more numerous than taxis. It is also a city which outdoes Naples in being breath-takingly beautiful.