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For Lee Ya Ching for interview with Florence Lehmann on "LOL. We can take up to ten minutes. These questions are just suggestions.

Do many girls in China fly, Miss Lee?

Would you like to see more of them do it?

Where did you learn to fly?

What are some of the things you've most enjoyed doing in aviation?

Haven't you done a good bit of teaching in China?

How do you find Chinese are as pilots?

What was your most memorable experience as a flier?

If you haven't mentioned it yet, won't you tell us about the experience that made you a member of the Caterpillar Club?

Tell us something of the needs in China today?

I've read a good bit about the need for anesthetics...that must be very grave?

Isn't it pretty difficult to get things into the country?

It seems to me your countrymen have suffered far beyond our ability