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Well, I call that calm. What really did happen in that fall?

Lee I was doing a slow roll, with an instructor, and when we were upside down my safety belt somehow came unfastened and the first thing I knew I found myself falling through the air. I reached for my ripcord and the next thing I knew I was in San Francisco Bay. I could swim but little, but I remembered some one had told me that if you remain on your back and float you can stay up for quite a long time. So I did.

Dempsey I believe, as a result of that little occasion, that you were initiated into the Caterpillar Club, which is open only to aviators who have bailed out in an emergency. I've been wondering why the caterpillar as a symbol? It sounds more like tanks than planes.

Lee Because the caterpillar represents resurection. In the tombs of our Emperors for certainly four thousand years caterpillars carved in jade have been found [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] which signify an after life. There are many in your famous Canadian museum, the Royal Ontario Museum.

Dempsey I'm going to make a special visit to have a look. Anyway, apparently that fall gave you your second wind for flying-- and a very good wind at that. I was watching you zoom and swoop over the city yesterda in that Chinese red Piper cub of yours. What were you up to, anyway?

Lee Well, I had been allowed the privilege of visiting your Manning Pool and meeting some of your young military [[strikethrough]] firemen [[/strikethrough]] airmen there. So when I took off I flew low over the buildings to make them a salute. And then I flew to the parliament buildings and dropped a bouquet of flowers in front of it for the premier, Mr. Hepburn. If you had been [[strikethrough]] there  [[/strikethrough]] with me you might have looked down and seen a police escort picking it up for him.

Dempsey Oh, yes-- I see the premier, Mr. Hepburn -- who is in the studio and is going to speak later-- has brought the bouquet along just to