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Lee Ya Ching interview.

KELLEY: You mentioned something of the reconstruction period in China. Is that being conducted as the present war is carried on - or do you refer to that as a post war period?


KELLEY: What are the women and the youth of China doing to assist their country.


KELLEY: What will be your role with regard to the "Victory in the Air circus at North Randall tomorrow and Sunday.


KELLEY: I'm afraid Miss Lee Ya Ching that our time has just about expired for this evening. I know that it has been a great pleasure to have you as our guest this evening, and that I'm expressing the feelings of our listeners when I say that we have enjoyed hearing you. And now fans, just one final reminder of the "Victory in the Air Circus," which is being jointly sponsored by the Cleveland regional committees of the United China Relief and the British War Relief Society - in order to raise funds to assist those two war torn countries. We have had the pleasure of meeting many of the participants in this most spectacular show off the earth - and we can assure you that if it is an afternoon of thrills, chills and real aerial entertainment, such as has not been seen in Cleveland since the National Air races of a few seasons ago, the the Victory in the Air Circus at North Randall Track is the place for you on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. There you will see our guest of the evening in addition to the many aerial aces of Howard Dutton's troupe, in a program which we hasten to recommend. (Finish at will.)