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MR. JAMES:  Well, Miss Lee, are there big training centers for pilots in China, now the way there are in this country?

MISS LEE:  Yes.... (brief story about China's training schools.)

Continues with...... But you know, Mr. James, one of the biggest training school for Chinese flyers is right here in the United States, [[strikethrough]] at Thunder Bird Field [[/strikethrough]] in [[strikethrough]] Arizona.[[/strikethrough]]

MR. JAMES:  Why! That is news to me, Miss Lee! Do you mean to say Chinese pilots come all the way form China to be trained by Uncle Sam?

MISS LEE: Yes, I certainly do, Mr. James. Each month hundreds of young Chinese men are arriving in this country and going to [[strikethrough]] Thunder Bird Field to be [[/strikethrough]] the train [[strikethrough] ed [[/strikethrough]]ing center. Just last week the first group graduated and are now on their way to take the air against the Japanese.

MR. JAMES: That's wonderful news, Miss Lee -- Tell me in your opinion what is needed more than anything else in China as far as military supplies are concerned?

MISS LEE: Well, Mr. James, I think that the Chinese soldier over a period of almost five years has proven his worth as a fighting man and I think that everyone, including the Japanese, recognize Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's brilliant leadership but I also believe that the whole