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Holling     When our men march to the battle front, our women fight on the home front. This afternoon, we have with us one of America's leading woman fighters on the home front, Mrs. Anna M. Rosenberg, regional director of the War Manpower Commission.

Rosenberg     ...............................Five Minute Address...................................

Rosenberg     When our men workers leave the machines of production for the armed forces, our women carry on in the American tradition. We will now have a brief ceremony, symbolic of the patriotic service which our women are giving to the nation. 

(Spotlight on "V" formation)

Announcer    (Describing scene to radio audience)

Holling     That inspiring scene, Mrs. Rosenberg, is typical of the spirit of American womanhood. It typifies the unity and singleness of purpose of our United-We-Attack rally.
In presenting the next speaker, Mr. Edwin J. Schwanhausser, who represents management, I would like to say that he not only understands machines, but he also understands the men and women who operate them. Mr. Schwanhausser.

Schwanhausser   ........................... Three-Minute Speech..............................

Holling     Mr. Schwanhausser, you are a worthy representative of a democratic people, as is our next speaker, Robert A. Smith, of the A.F.L., president of the Buffalo Federation of Labor. Come up here, Bobby.

Smith    ..............................Three-Minute Speech...................................