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work out to a ratio of ten or eleven men for each plane, with the need for navigation, bombardiers and ground crews, as well as pilots, such a proportion has long been considered about right. *CAC turned out 75,000 civilian pilots, all of whom are pledged + make themselves available + the army + Navy when and if needed.

These plans reveal that the administration recognizes the the Tremendous + determining role that air power is going to play in this war, The great oceon distances that have so far kept your mainland free of air attack are also the chief barriers that stand in the way of your own offensive action against the axis. There are only two ways in which we can bring that offensive action + fear - through long range bombers + submarines (war ships are too vulnerable to attack, it has been proved) besides, you need the ships to transport men and tanks + guns + pursuit planes. [[crossed out]] But your ships are limited. Compared to planes they are painfully slow. [[/crossed out]] When you can get These air forces & mechanized forces to China, combined with the unlimited manpower already there, we are confident that we can turn the tide from defense to vigorous offense and final victory.