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September 19, 1944.

United States Attorney,
Southern District of New York,
United States Court House,
Foley Square,
New York, N. Y.

Dear Sir:
I am a practicing attorney-at-law and a citizen of the United States.
I have known Yasuo Kuniyoshi for about eleven years. During those years I have seen him very frequently both socially and in connection with his professional activities. He is a well-known, highly regarded successful American painter. In his projection he has always been anti-Facist and anti-Nazi, and very pro-democratic. He looks upon the present rulers of Japan as militarists and betrayers of the Japanese people. After the attack by Japan upon our country he wrote scripts for the Office of War Information for broadcast to Japan. He looks upon the United States as his home, and is in every way devoted to it and its institutions. His only regret is that the law has not enabled him to become a citizen of the country.
Very truly yours,

Transcription Notes:
This typed document is stamped "COPY" in red across the text.