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United States Mutual Protection Co.,
Subscription and Emigration Office,
Chicago, Ill, March 9th 1861.

Enclosed please find printed Dispatch cut from the Chicago Daily Tribune of this date. Please inform me what the demand is for labor in your Dept. and what the prospects are for Farmers with small Capital, say from $400.00 to $1000.00 where they Emigrate in Colonies of from twenty to fifty families
The Officers of this company are President Hon. Alexander N. Randall, Vice President Hon S.C. Pomeroy, Secretary Dr John Trimble, Treasurer Genl John R. Elvans, Genl Stock Agt. Col Chase A. Stevens, all of Washington D.C. Refferences Maj. B.H. Polk late A.A.G. U.S.A. Capt. Tho. C. Williams 19th U.S. Infty and all the Staff Officers of Maj Genl Rousseau late U.S.C.
I will send some circulars to your Head Qrs as soon as they are printed
Very Respectfully
Eugene Branch
General Subscription Agent, State of Illinois

Bri. Genl Fisk