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Brownsville Ten M'ch 13/65

Major Genl. C.B. Fisk, Superintendent &c
Nashville Tenn

Sir - I desire to say a word by way of testimonial in behalf of Mr. R.C. Scott Agt. of the Freedman's Bureau for the county of Haywood I am persuaded, that Mr. Scott could not have been excelled, in the administration of his very delicate and impossible office by any one. He has fine intelligence, strong common sense and quick perception, and whilst I declare that I have never heard him charged with leaving to the Stronger side in any adjustment of differences between freedmen and their employers. I have had once or twice heard him complained of for apparent leaning to the weaker party and he has now filled the office five or six months I believe. In the present heat of party spirit it is almost impossible for any public man, to escape a charge of partiality in the discharge of his duties. 
But I am persuaded he has done as well, if not better than could properly have been expected of any person in so hard a position. He has ever been loyal, is now thoroughly so,, and heartily endorses the Policy if President Johnson. A better man for the place cannot be found among us. 
Very Respectfully
WP Bond Judge
14" Judicial Circuit