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The one half of said premium conveyed by Mr. Elder [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] is a separate lot and no claim is made to that and yet that and the improvements are withheld from us

The Blacks do not claim to have paid one dollar for the house built on back of said lots and yet the property worth $2000 is held and used to secure an alleged lien of say two hundred dollars which is subject to a credit for rents & damages for over one hundred dollars even if such lien exists.

We asked permission to try the matter in the State Court but were refused by the Agent of that Bureau.

He demands that we pay this alleged lien before he will give us possession of the property, tho we offered if procession were given to us to give bond and good security for the payment of any sum duly found to be due said blacks out of said property.

This one tenth alleged equitable claim is made to our balance the legal title and 9/10 interest in the lot besides the sole ownership of the comfortable Brick Schoolhouse built by our predecessor.

We have no money as Commissioners - have no Attorney General in the District to advise with and hence we beg leave respectfully to present the case to Your Excellency as Executive in Chief of our State for advise or directions. We wish honestly to discharge our duties and have a white school on said premises.

We will not presume to argue the question but submit them to your candid consideration knowing that you have the Educational interests of the State in a high degree of consideration. This with the high position held by Your Excellency will probably enable the governor to have this matter adjusted speedily, justly, & cheaply.

All which is respectfully submitted
T. W. King Commissioner
W. P. Hume 
Wm Wines