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Bureau. R. F. & A. L March 8th/66
Elkton Todd County Kentucky

Genl. C. B. Fisk

Dr Sir yesterday Lieutenant Orr Reported here with 10 men made arrest of N Stinnet & his 2 sons. There was considerable Stir and Excitement when they came in town. When they came back through town with the prisoners there was a large crowd collected on the street they were coming in. And I have been informed by a reliable Gentleman this morning that there was talk of raising a riot and demanding the prisoners release.
This morning the opposition or Rebel party are takeing up a collection & getting names for the purpose of having these men released. I have been confering with Wm Lowry the gentlemen from whoom I brought my recommendation and he will endorse me in Stating that the attempt that is being made to have these men release is headed by the most Violent Rebels & Copperheads and - opponents of the Government and the Bitterest enemys of the Bureau & All protection to the freedmen in every form. This morning the Town is full of the Bitterest denunciations of the bureau and every thing connection with it. I am Sorry to say that with all the precaution that I can exercise I fear I will not be Safe here without Military protection. I neglected to inform you a fewer days Since that Our County Judge, J. G. Hollingsworth -